View Full Version : Paranoia

14-06-13, 14:45
Hi all

Not sure of the forum for this, but it is making me come close to panic attacks so...

I am suffering from paranoia (self diagnosed and still fairly rational) and would love to hear what the forum thinks is a way to deal with it. I've had anxiety issues and depression for years, was on medication but came off them and threw myself into therapy and CBT in particular, supplemented with St Johns Wort. The usual good days and bad, but mostly good days.

But I am finding things that are stressing me out I am adding a human component to them, primarily at the moment I am thinking my neighbour is intentionally parking so as to make it hard for me to get my car out. My rational brain (almost) knows she is in fact just inconsiderate, in which case I just need to grin and bear it. But my less rational side knows she is making a conscious effort to make my life hard, and then laughing at me from her house as I try and struggle parking. I parked a bit further back (so there was room for me to get out) yesterday and I just know she will have moved her car closer to torment me.

Ok, rational side back in control, my neighbour has better things to do than torment me, she shows no sign she is out to get me when we pass in the street, I have done nothing to harm her. She likely thinks she has left enough room for me (I'm a poor driver) or, very likely as she can be a little up herself, she doesn't think of me at all.

I almost feel bullied, which is stupid.

I can't go round and tell her to move her car in future as... well I just can't be doing that sort of thing, too stressful. Besides, what if she says she is doing it on purpose?

Oooh all stressed now, but hopefully someone will have some advice or kind words? Maybe I should just learn to park better? ;)

14-06-13, 22:02
I understand what it's like to have paranoia, it's scary to say the least. I believed people were following me home from work and my internet use was being spied on. I deleted most of my internet accounts, including a blog site in which I spent months developing.

I struggle to think of what to suggest. I had a breakdown last year and I'm still on a waiting for CBT! After suffering for a year with paranoia I realised that it was actually paranoia, and not people spying on me, and my GP and other professionals did nothing to help me. Instead I trained my thoughts. Everytime I get a paranoid thought I shout in my head "NO! NO! YOU WILL NOT STOP ME!" over and over again until the thought was gone. I would have to do it multiple times to keep the thoughts at bay.

I hope this helps.