View Full Version : On the verge of being fired from my job

14-06-13, 16:59
A bit of background about it..I moved from another shop as it's nearer see this thread:


Been with the company two years almost..basically they wanted me on the till ect..I wasn't comfy with that due to them using a tannoy system. Now I have since went on the till but I refuse to use the tannoy..I get someone get to me to do but but the odd time I may be on it myself and I don't use it I have been pulled into the office and told I'm facing disciplinary.

There stance is they want to train me on it but my last job I got away with not using it either..the odd shop has them these days. I have been applying for full time and part time jobs. Had a interview only a few weeks ago and another due but I never got the last job as it's difficult to find work and when you are in a job they ask you why you want to leave especially if the job you are applying for is similar.

I'm really stressed and worried I won't have a job over it. The boss says there's no jobs in the other store I left and can't go back at the moment..whats my opinions? I feel very alienated everybody is saying I should use it but not many people seem to understand. It could be I am out a job over this now. :blush:

14-06-13, 17:13
Surely they can't fire you for not using tannoy?
I worked at MFI years ago, had to use it all the tie, but I loved it..
There was loads that wouldn't though and it wasn't a problem

14-06-13, 17:27
Surely they can't fire you for not using tannoy?
I worked at MFI years ago, had to use it all the tie, but I loved it..
There was loads that wouldn't though and it wasn't a problem

Well my last job I got away with not using it. The boss doesn't know himself hes contacting head office to see what they say.

Not sure maybe he doesn't like me as I never wanted to do early shifts and small things like that but I don't think hes helping and I feel very pressured. A few weeks ago I called round all the stores for any vacancies most had none.

If I get disciplined do I have any rights to appeal or can the GP write a note saying I have confidence issues or something?

14-06-13, 18:07
Certainly a gp note would help,.
Do you have a written job description , and is using tannoy in it?

14-06-13, 18:10
Certainly a gp note would help,.
Do you have a written job description , and is using tannoy in it?

I don't think a tannoy is on the contract to be honest.

I could say I have anxiety and it can lead to social anxiety? I don't like others hearing me speak not over a loud speaker.

14-06-13, 18:14
Just say your just not confident, and the thought makes you anxious..
Do they know of your probs?
A doc could certainly write a note if you do get disaplined but then are you going to want to stay somewhere like that if they disapline you ,over something silly?

14-06-13, 18:16
Just say your just not confident, and the thought makes you anxious..
Do they know of your probs?
A doc could certainly write a note if you do get disaplined

I have said that and they think showing me training is enough. They keep saying it's part of the job but I think they are doing that to push me into it. No doubt there's cases in other jobs where people maybe don't even use a till like a supermarket ect..

14-06-13, 18:17
I'd look for another job... Be proactive ..

14-06-13, 18:20
I'd look for another job... Be proactive ..

Yes I have been applying like I say not every shop uses a tannoy in other jobs most had a bell to ring ect.. for a supervisor. :)

14-06-13, 18:42
Maybe not a shop job then?

14-06-13, 21:47
If it's not in your contract that you have to use a tannoy then they have nothing to sack you over. It's appalling that your boss even suggested it. You should speak to HR about it.

Trying applying for a smaller shop that don't use tannoys or maybe try a different sector.

14-06-13, 22:01
What is it about using the 'tannoy' that you don't feel 'comfy' with? Does it cause feelings of panic/anxiety or do you just dislike it?

If it is due to panic/anxiety there should be a way around this by speaking to your boss. Otherwise they'll just think you're being awkward and non-compliant (which I'm not suggesting you are).