View Full Version : Hi everyone

14-06-13, 17:14
Hi, I'm new to this. I've suffered health anxiety for the past year and over the last 3 months its got so bad I'm scared to leave my house incase I faint. I'm currently doing CBT its helping a little bit just going to stick at it. I don't take meds I'm to scared to. Every pain in my body is the worst thing ever. Would love to talk to anyone who experiences the same I feel alone.

14-06-13, 17:16
Blood pressure increases when you panic , so you won't faint..even though you feel you will ..the dizziness is the adrenaline.
It's low blood pressure that causes fainting..

14-06-13, 19:53
Yeah I no but when I feel faint I concentrate on my heart and its not beating fast just normal and sometimes if i concentrate to much I convince myself its beating slower than its ment to and I think I'm ill. Even tho I have never fainted I'm still scared I will.

15-06-13, 00:01
I'm new to this forum and am suffering from ongoing anxiety and depression. Anyone else suffering now?