View Full Version : CBT for Health Anxiety

14-06-13, 19:16
Had my first session today, went well. I can see why people go, and he did put alot of it in ways that I actually really understood. I even laughed out load at some bits as they are so simple!

I still have the woozy head/fuzzy eyes feeling but I'm starting to really think its labrintitys (spelling) as I've had throat and ear infections over the last 6 weeks, anxiety can increase it. I've had it for 10 days now I'm just hoping it will pass on x

15-06-13, 19:46
I've just started CBT as well. The biggest step for me will be stepping away from the Internet x

15-06-13, 21:14
Im having CBT for health anxiety with a high intensity therapist, had 3 sessions so far. Have to keep a diary of my symptoms. Im not seeing any results as yet, but I have had HA for 14 years so I guess it will be a tough nut to crack x

15-06-13, 21:33
I will be much interested to see the cbt help for HA.
I have had it for much of my life. I am 57 now.
I did some counseling but it didn't help that area much.