View Full Version : why do I feel like this

14-06-13, 22:11
For the past week I been just feeling so low. I don't want to do anything. I barely even go to the gym anymore. When I get home from school I usually get in bed and lay there for 6 or more hours. Only getting up for dinner or to use the bathroom.

I'm in love with this girl and shes been acting strange, just not the same. its making me feel nervous. I'm terrified that shes going to leave and i would be nothing without her.

Why do i feel this low. I don't even know what to do with myself anymore.

14-06-13, 22:41
I've looked at some of your previous threads regarding your HA, if you look back to worries you had last year, you can see that nothing came of them, and your still here..still alive..
Telling yourself you have all these illnesses will cause all sorts of conflicts in your body, resulting in lots of physical symptoms...
Sitting alone in your room for hours won't help, your sitting there alone with your thoughts, worrying about all sorts... I know, I've done it too..
You have to get out and socialise, live in the real world, and not in your head all the time..
The gym is great for anxiety, make you feel so much better, exercise is positive adrenaline..
I'm sure you probably haven't made too much of an effort with your girlfriend, not if your just sitting at home in your room? You have to put effort into a relationship...and it may sound cruel, but no one wants to be around a depressed person all the time...
So try and change things for yourself, make yourself go to the gym, even if you don't want to...spend less time in your room alone... Watch a movie, write a nice letter to your girlfriend maybe?