View Full Version : Fear of flying...Got prescribed diazepam, wondering about the ideal dose.

Argel Tal
14-06-13, 22:18
Hey, literally just made this account so I could make this post. I'm in real need of some advice.

I've had quite a bad fear of flying for some years now. I don't really know when it started exactly but whenever the plane I'm on shakes at all or goes through pretty much turbulence, I immediately start panicing. When I'm on a flight, I'm always tense. I can't even sit back in chair and relax because I become too aware of all the tiny movements the plane is making.

2 years and about 4 flights ago I got prescribed Diazepam from my GP to help me with this fear. It has helped me a lot and I do think that I am slowly getting over my fear. However, even with the Diazepam I still feel fear during some portions of the flight and I'm wondering if taking any more will help me not feel fear at all. I typically take 2mg the night before, 2mg when I wake up and 2mg every hour or so before the flight (I normally fly in the mornings or early afternoons). I then take 4mg about 2 hours before the flight and 8mg just as I get on board. On the flight itself I tend to top myself up with 2mg every 2 hours or so.

I'm just wondering if taking any more will eliminate the fear completely. I'm quite a big bloke (6' 4", over 250lbs) and I don't drink any booze leading up to or during the flight.

Anyone got any tips?

15-06-13, 08:58
I don't think taking more diazepam will take the fear away completly it just helps to relax you. I am not too keen on flying but someone explained to me that instead of being up in the air with nothing think about it in a big bowl of jelly :) It has actually made it easier for me. There are courses you can go on to overcome your fear of flying but they are quite expensive. They are run by some of the airlines.

---------- Post added at 08:58 ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 ----------

I didnt really answer your question about the diazepam. If you are taking them before the flight and 8mg on boarding I am not sure that I would increase the dose but you could discuss it with your doctor.

15-06-13, 10:00
Diazepam is an old friend of mine and you have to remember three things. It takes effect quite quickly say about 20/30 minutes, it has a lasting effect of about 5 hours and if you are not a regular user and take 10 mg you may well feel extremely tired a few hours after your flight. I don''t think taking a small amount the night before will have the desired effect as it will have worn off whilst you are asleep.

15-06-13, 12:14
I don''t think taking a small amount the night before will have the desired effect as it will have worn off whilst you are asleep.
But on the other hand, it may permit sleep if you would otherwise spend the night panicking about the flight tomorrow. If you're well-rested then you're much better equipped to cope with the anxiety. So there may be a point to it.

15-06-13, 12:47
I agree Edie, I often take one the night before a big event otherwise I would be awake all night :)

15-06-13, 14:19
Yes, good point Edie, I hadn't thought of that.

17-06-13, 23:28
I have just this week been given Diazepam from my docter as i'm due to fly 24th june and already started to panic and worry about the flight.

My doctor said try them before you fly so 1hr ago I took 5mg but don't feel any effect from it, should I consider 10mg?

I really don't want this anxiety of flying to get to me again, I'm literally petrified as soon as the plane goes up in the air and convinced it's going to crash!
How relieved I am when we land!!!
Any suggestions I would be very grateful