View Full Version : Yellow eyes and foamy pee

14-06-13, 23:10
My son is 15 and I have been worried about him! he has had foamy pee for a long long time and the doctors say that there is a small amount of protein in his urine but its fine. Also his eyes are yellow, the doctor checked his billiruban level and it was high but it has been going down. He has had blood work every month for the last four months and all levels are ok except his bilirubin level. But when I look at him some days his eyes are yellow and other days they are not. I don't get any answers from the doctors they just say hes fine, but I don't think its normal for a teen to have foamy pee and yellow eyes. I am so worried hes got cancer or a liver disease or something.

15-06-13, 01:16
He is only 15 that's very young, liver disease is something you find in older people and binge drinkers. If your doctor had reason to suspect cancer or liver disease he will have sent him for tests. If you are still worried i suggest trying another doctor for piece of mind, i am no doctor but this sounds like poor diet or lack of water, make sure he is drinking a minimum of 8 pint glasses of water per day, get him to eat his greens fruit and veg ETC you body is the most amazing thing to have at your disposal and has many ways of complaining about things you are doing this sounds like one of them, in other words your body is saying hey feed me the right stuff ETC. Sadly i have to admit it's not normal, but such things can have a simple solution in most cases. Ok so try diet change increasing water and go see another doctor for piece of mind. Good luck hope this helps