View Full Version : STILL worried about blood clot

15-06-13, 02:09
i don't really know what to say, i just need to vent. it's been over a month and a half, and i've still got this pain in my leg.
it moved from a cramp in my calf to a swollen, throbbing sensation in my inner thigh/groin. and now i've got another cramping feeling in my OTHER leg, i can't believe it :D

i had a 2nd d dimer when my thigh was hurting.
it came back 240 which is on the threshold of fine.

i'm still very worried about it being a clot though.
i was talking to someone who said their d dimer came back as a false positive 3 times when they had 2 big clots in their leg - and he said it was like a constant cramp - which is what mine is too :ohmy: he said he never had any swelling and that i should go demand an ultrasound.

i've wanted an ultrasound for such a long time now, the doctor always says no.
i'm sooooo worried about having a PE. these days i have felt short of breath and been yawning a lot to get a full breath. but if i go back to the doctor they're going to label me as crazy again.

oh dear. this is really added stress i definitely don't need!! :huh:

17-06-13, 06:37
Ive been the same :( altho 2 weeks.ago my d dimer came back.at 354 and.i.had to.have a lung scan and leg doppler. All was ok but I was convinced it wasnt andbthat I was dying as whilst waitin for the results I was very tight chested and couldnt get a breath. After a while.i tried to tell myself to.stop thinkin.all thingswere a PE or.DVT and did well.last week...unril.now.

My right leg is /was sore. It is bad every now and then.anyway.as.i have sciatica in that leg. I tried tellibg myself it wasnt a dvt, but now i.have a cough and thick.feeling in my chest. I just woke up and.coughed loads without taking a breath. Now im thinking ii do.have a PE and DVT.

Am so scared and I dont know.what to.do. If I go to a+e it will b the 20th time.or.something this year and I cant keep doing it :( as results such as the last time might happen when infact I dont have a dvt or pe ans its just inflammation,but they have to.do.all the tests anyway and make me.even.more scared :(.

Chest feels tight and thick. Leg hurts from.hip down.and panicking.

Charlotte x

17-06-13, 09:54
How do we get a d dimer?
Im having some problems with leg pain and chest stuff, and ive just came off my pill as gp said it wasn't good for me so im concerned x

18-06-13, 01:53
Ive been the same :( altho 2 weeks.ago my d dimer came back.at 354 and.i.had to.have a lung scan and leg doppler. All was ok but I was convinced it wasnt andbthat I was dying as whilst waitin for the results I was very tight chested and couldnt get a breath. After a while.i tried to tell myself to.stop thinkin.all thingswere a PE or.DVT and did well.last week...unril.now.

My right leg is /was sore. It is bad every now and then.anyway.as.i have sciatica in that leg. I tried tellibg myself it wasnt a dvt, but now i.have a cough and thick.feeling in my chest. I just woke up and.coughed loads without taking a breath. Now im thinking ii do.have a PE and DVT.

Am so scared and I dont know.what to.do. If I go to a+e it will b the 20th time.or.something this year and I cant keep doing it :( as results such as the last time might happen when infact I dont have a dvt or pe ans its just inflammation,but they have to.do.all the tests anyway and make me.even.more scared :(.

Chest feels tight and thick. Leg hurts from.hip down.and panicking.

Charlotte x

hello there, i'm in the exact same boat as you! i am terrified and yet don't want to go to a&e because i used to go there almost every second week...the doctors actually recognise me, it's so embarrassing! :doh:

the pain had gone away for 2 days, but now it's back in the exact same place :unsure:

i don't think it's sciatica because i'm a bit young for that, but i would much rather it was that than a clot.

i actually had to get kept in for the first time in hospital and had a lung scan and injections as well because my chest was absolutely killing me when i breathed in. i actually don't regret that visit because it was the worst pain i've felt and cocodamol wouldn't even touch it. i've had these blood tests so often and they always came back normal. then my d dimer was taking longer and the dr came back and said bad news, we think you may have a clot in your lung. i was alone in the emergency room at midnight and soooo scared.

they didn't however tell me that it was only at 300. they made it sound like 3000!

thankfully the scan came back clear but i had to fight tooth and nail for a repeat d dimer. i had to ask my gp to write a note to the hospital in order to let me get it. and they still refuse to give me an ultrasound. it scares me because i am not very active, i mean i walk 30 minutes a day but apart from that i am pretty sedentary and borderline agoraphobic. i can only go out when it's pitch black and noone's around.

i'm still a mess. i'm trying to forget about it but i get a twinge and it's right back to square 1. sigh.

---------- Post added at 01:53 ---------- Previous post was at 01:49 ----------

How do we get a d dimer?
Im having some problems with leg pain and chest stuff, and ive just came off my pill as gp said it wasn't good for me so im concerned x

hi there, the only way to get a d dimer is go to a&e and tell them you're having chest pain/when breathing and leg pains. or you can ask your gp but this takes a lot longer.

i think it's a good idea to stay off the pill, especially if you don't need it and you're at risk of or concerned about blood clots. doctors seem to hand the pill out like candy, but they never discuss the risks. my sister is on it atm and i'm not very happy about it because our family has problems with our veins etc. i tell her to be vigilant for any leg pain or pelvic pain but she thinks i'm a hypochondriac haha. which i am but still. you can never be too careful when it comes to your health. i hope you are fine, im sure it's nothing! :hugs: