View Full Version : Moved home

05-10-06, 04:22

Haven't been here for a while, but i just thought i'd share with you all my latest triumph.

I've finally managed to move home - something i've wanted to do for a few years, but hadn't been able to.

Until about July this year, i hadn't even been outside for a whole year. I'd been stuck in my 2nd floor flat for that time, unable to get downstairs and outside. Then, i started making small (huge to me!) progress, getting out and about. Now, i've moved. I had to make a 7 hour car journey to get here and i was so proud of myself for managing that. Now, i'm living in a house - my bedroom is on the ground floor, as i still have problems with getting up and down stairs, so i can just pop outside whenever i want.

You'd think i'd be happy now and i am, but i still get pretty down about everything. The main reason is because for some reason i feel worse with my anxiety than i did before i moved and i'm not sure why. I'm determined not to let it beat me though. I know if i slump into too much depression, i will slip back to how i was a few months ago and i really really don't want that. I'm getting out to shops still, assisted of course, and doing whatever i can.

Thanks for listening.



05-10-06, 05:15
Change always heightens my anxiety for a while. When I moved I felt overly anxious for a while until I got used to the new place.
WAY TO GO for making the change and for getting out to shops!!!
It's all the little steps that add up to BIG victories :)

05-10-06, 11:45
Sounds like you are making fantastic progress, well done!

Try not to over work yourself and take too much on, nice and steady and take each day as it comes, you are making great progress, and I'm sure it will get better and better for you,focus on what positive steps you have made!

05-10-06, 14:26
You have done really well,you should be really proud of your self.
Maybe your anxiety has got worse because you have moved from the place you felt very safe in.Moving is stressfull in it self,so you have taken major step forward.
This new home is a fresh start,and your going out to.WELL DONE !!!!!!!!!!!
Take care Gregor.:D:D:D:D

Ellen XX

06-10-06, 15:20
well done

you've acheived a lot
getting out, moving and a 7 hour car journey

you need to take time to get used to the changes and not push yourself too hard
a bit at a time


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

06-10-06, 15:24
well done mate

keep it up

06-10-06, 19:24

Well done you!

x x

06-10-06, 22:36
You have done realy well Gregor ! be proud of what you have acheived!

Well done !



06-10-06, 23:59
That's really some achievement, Gregor.

This house gets me down as I cannot cope very well with it, but how could I move as it would all be such an upheaval!

Surely, moving house is the biggest thing to us apart from a life long commitment or similar.

Way to go![8D]



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

07-10-06, 04:27
Thanks for all your encouragement and advice. I just get a bit impatient sometimes as i want everything to click into place immediately.

Yesterday i went round a shop on my own for the first time since i got here and i felt really good for doing that. I am really happy for the progress i am making, so i know i should just try to focus on those positive steps.



07-10-06, 11:37

You have achieved such a lot and should be really proud of yourself hun, so many positives, work on these now and you will go far.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

07-10-06, 15:25
Hope you are settling in to your new home.

As Ray mentioned, moving home is a major life change and it is natural to experience some anxiety while settling in.

I too would like to move but am not in a frame of mind to deal with the upheaval.

Well done for getting out to the shop too. You are making great progress.


Why does my heart go on beating?
Why do these eyes of mine cry?
Don't they know it's the end of the world?

~The Carpenters~

11-10-06, 16:53

Well done on the move and achieving that ! Sounds very positive to me.

I hope you settle down there soon.


12-10-06, 20:50
Well done. Moving house is a really stressful time and a big upheaval; you've made fantastic progress. Good luck.