View Full Version : People avoiding you because of your illness

15-06-13, 03:40
I've been having really bad anxiety for months. I had to quit school and work one day a week (when I didn't call in sick). It was hell. I was at home having panic attacks thinking how long I could cope alone. Counting the hours until my boyfriend got home. Anyway, I felt really isolated. Now I'm better and I'm starting to rebuild my normal life. I realized that I kind of got let down by friends I thought would be by my side in times of trouble. No calls, no emails to see if I was ok. I feel really left out. I'm really depressed about this, I never had many friends, but I liked to think that we had deep bonds. I feel like I have a contagious illness or something. That they avoid me in fear of catching depression and anxiety. I know I should try to talk to them, but I'm angry at them. I'm scared it'll never be the same anymore. Have you ever been in that situation?

15-06-13, 04:00
I'm right with you. Have been going downhill with anxiety for several months and have seen people scatter. It can be depressing, but when I had my total panic attack crash, I had one really good friend come through for me. You really learn who you can count on when things like this happen.

As for some of my other friends, they have been understanding but don't come around. I understand that I'm not a ball of fun to be around, and some have told me that being around me in this state just makes them "tired." All I can say is, celebrate the ones who are there for you. Being here has been good for me to alleviate the isolation and hopefully will be for you too :)

~Regina x

15-06-13, 08:19
They really do not sound like true friends, true friends will be there for you so dont worry blessings

15-06-13, 08:23
They really do not sound like true friends, true friends will be there for you so dont worry blessings

Friends like these are 10 a penny, there's plenty more friends to be made in this world! As said above these are certainly not true friends, try not to dwell but make sure if they try and contact u down the line not to be drawn in by them x

15-06-13, 08:48
You find out who your real friends are when you go through troubles.

15-06-13, 09:38
I lost everyone because they weren't there for me

15-06-13, 14:35
Yeah nothing like a bout of anxiety and depression to throw into focus who your real friends are, to be honest once the dust has settled you'll find the people who ran for the hills are not worth having as friends.
The once who stuck with you through your illness are and you'll make new better friends!!