View Full Version : Dizziness and my eye

05-10-06, 04:33

I'm not sure if anyone can advise on this, but here's my problem...

I suffer from anxiety, but i'm wondering if it's something a little more than that. I notice a particular increase in my 'anxiety' when i'm looking at the computer screen too long - usually takes about 10 minutes. I start to get lightheaded and dizzy - something i usually associate with my anxiety. However, i do actually have a slight sight impairment. In one eye i have an eye problem, which gives me slight blurred vision. My thinking is that this could cause dizziness and that is part of the problems i have experienced for so long. I have actually been diagnosed with this eye problem a few years ago, so i know that isn't my imagination! I want to see an optician about it, but because of my problems getting around, that's difficult, if not impossible, for me to do.

Any help/suggestions/ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks.



05-10-06, 05:01
I don't know if this helps but I get a headache when I get on the computer. Usually its if I spend more than an hour on it. I just have to either spend less than an hour on it at a time or take little "breaks" where I look at something else for a while. Have you talked to your doc?

If nothing else...I will survive.

To: SSJHSMH-U are light and my heart and strength. I will protect you in this life or the next always.

05-10-06, 05:13
I do also get headaches and feel dizzy if I am staring at not only a computer but anything that is really bright (for example if I read a book the bright white background sometimes makes the words harder to read after a while).
If you have had problems with your eyes before it's better to get it checked out. I know that you have problems going out and about but really it would help in the long run if you could get it checked and find out whether it is the anxiety or something else.