View Full Version : week 7 on fluxitine

15-06-13, 11:12
Hi i was just wondering if anyone else has had the same i have been really well for about 2 weeks happy and bubbly back to my old self but yesterday was hell again was awake all night anseity was really bad hot sweats and feeling of the only way i can explain it is like burning sensation in my stomach ive gone back on diazepan just to take the edge of it

15-06-13, 19:45
i take fluoxtine and yes in the early weeks it is up and down still but it will straighten out soon so hang in there and take care blessings

15-06-13, 21:17
It does happen that you have little blips after you have felt ok, you will find that it will not last and it may happen a few times and each time it does you deal with it better, it is still early days.

AJ 70
15-06-13, 22:24
I've been on fluoxetine now for about ten weeks, this weekend I'm having second blip, I had one at 4 weeks also. This blip has been as Janice said was easier to overcome. These things take time and I think
The little blips now and your improving capability to deal with them, will hopefully serve to help you deal with any issues you come across more confidently. Stick with the fluoxetine for a while longer and keep an open and honest mood diary to look back on, this will help you see just how the better days far out weigh the bad days as you get further along with the medication, good luck

15-06-13, 22:47
Thank you for all your advise ... I've had a really good day today so onwards and upwards hopefully....This forum is brilliant people actually understand what I'm going through ...When I can't sleep and I start to panic I come on here and I feel so much better that I am not alone

16-06-13, 03:36
i also start to panic when i cant sleep! it drives me crazy. mostly when i lay down to go to bed. probably because you have nothing to do but lay there and keep thinking about everything.