View Full Version : yet another crappy scary day..anyone else?

15-06-13, 16:32
Hey I know I've been on here alot moaning about the same damn thing lol. Need to vent..already had chest x ray ( was on Tuesday) still very stressed waiting for results. Now im thinking oh god what if I have something horrible ( lung c ) and also what if the x ray does come back clear but they missed it ? Basically I think im dying I have awful back pain rib pain and also chest pain plus a cough for over a month now. First of all the doctor said I had a chest infection then second time I went said my lungs sound clear well then how come I still have this annoying cough? It's become an obsession taking over every day I can't enjoy one day and just wanna enjoy time with my baby :( also my family don't have one bit of understanding just snap at Me all the time so im afraid to even mention it anymore. Anyone else having a crappie day?

15-06-13, 18:14
Ive had good day... but then, They say 'you're as happy as you make up your mind to be."
I live by this..
I can understand that feeling all those symptoms will worry you as to what is wrong... But your worry then causes more symptoms.aches.pains...
If the X-ray is clear, you need to try letting these fears go.. They rarely miss anything.
I had X-ray 20 yrs ago, I thought lung cancer, but mine was clear... Turned out to be an on going virus in the body, which can last months..

15-06-13, 19:43
sorry you are having a crappy day, can you do anything to raise your spirits, like watch a funny movie i love Paul, or read a good book, anything to distract yourself, i feel for you we all have good then bad days and the bad and horrible but i hope your weekend picks up blessings, if you dont pick up go to church its soothing and peaceful

16-06-13, 01:12
Paul is my favourite movie and yes it does make me laugh so much. I am happy to meet another fan of Paul!

Starry x