View Full Version : Dry eye

15-06-13, 17:07
Hi I had conjunctivitis in my left eye about 2 weeks ago that cleared up with eye drops. Since then every time I wake up my left eye feels dry and blurred, feels like my eyeball is stuck to my eyelid, not with infection type symptoms but dry. I'm getting worried now. Has anyone else ever had this xx

15-06-13, 21:16
yes i have had this. nothing to worry about.

15-06-13, 23:09
Yes, I had been suffering for months with itchy eyes. GP diagnosed allergy eyes. It was only when I went for routine eye test that optician picked up on dry eyes. Was then referred to eye consultant who confirmed this and now have to put drops in eyes daily.
I suggest if symptoms don`t clear up to go to optician.