View Full Version : IS THERE A CURE

05-10-06, 10:05
Can anyone tell me if this will ever go away. IS THERE A CURE?

I have had anxiety on and off for about 5 years. This spout has lasted nearly a whole year which is the longest it has lasted.

Before that i hadnt had it for about 2 years, and life was bliss.

At the moment i feel trapped in a black hole, like this is it, it is now with me forever. I keep trying to focus on the fact that it has passed before, but a whole year of this has really got to me....

Has it beaten me?

Hay x

05-10-06, 10:42
Hi Hayles

I can understand how you feel, i also feel like that sometimes but we have to think positive, Im sure we will beat it.

There are lots of positive posts on this forum from people that have beaten it, its music to my ears reading all the positive posts.

Be strong hayles, we will get there ! Hugs to you !



05-10-06, 12:17
i felt just like you do now last year,it was as if my life had come to a end,i now have a mental heath nurse who comes to see me every week and slowly im starting to feel better i still get very bad days but the last few days had been better, your not alone with the way you are feeling and i know how you feel its horrible,you will not feel like this forever sending you lots of love there is light at the end of the tunnel,although at the moment you wont feel it,i used to think this is it whats the point but with help it does get better{honest}hope your getting all the help you need,hope you feel better soon take care jackie

05-10-06, 13:42
Thanks jackie x

Hay x

05-10-06, 14:15
Hi Hayles,I went through last year without having any panic attacks.Now Iv had a relapse.Iv had anxiety most of my life,so have forgotten what its like to be without it.We just have to take each day as it comes.I have good days and bad days.Things will pick up again pet.
Take care;):);)

Ellen XX

05-10-06, 14:24
my anxiety only started when i moved out of home.
i dont want this forever....it terrifies me to think i could have this forever

Hay x

05-10-06, 14:28
Yes, you can beat it.

You have to accept your part in the recovery. It is down to you to do the work but with the right guidance and support at the right times then you can definitely beat it. :D

Sometimes we hang on to stuff and look over our shoulders at stressful times and this is when we are most prone to a setback. Setbacks may or may not come, but if we fear their coming then the chances are they will. It's all fear dressed up in a different form.

Trev :D

05-10-06, 15:00
Thanks Trev.

Think it has been building up over the last few days.
i am having a weird pins and needles effect in the back of my head for days now.....this is really getting to me and I have just had a massive panic at work. had to go outside.

Luckily i hide it well and a very close friend takes me out for a quick walk around the block!

I am not on meds anymore and i feel like this is all coming back. Just feel like crying and curling up in the corner.

Dont think i can do this all again

Hay x

05-10-06, 15:15
Hi there. I can promise you that there is life after all this. I have been there. One day I just thought 'NO MORE' and I started to actively work on being positive, no matter how I felt. A month or so down the line from that I can say that I feel so much better, less scared and I am starting to live a normal life. I still have a bad throat but truthfully I dont care, the feeling of terror and blackness have lifted and I am living a normal life. I now listen to my doctor and its so much better. I wish all of this for you too.

05-10-06, 15:17
Thanks, I am really feeling it today x

Hay x

Two heads
05-10-06, 15:59
Sorry your feeling down this week hay!
Im sure its the winter making you feel this way as i have been feeling more anxious this week.
You will get over this blip you just need plenty of surport from people who understand.
Dont let the gremlin win sweet!!!!

05-10-06, 20:06
I can totally relate to your fear of the sensations. If it's the physical symptoms would having a check up give you comfort? I'm sure you are fine and sometimes we need that external reassurance to build the confidence back up.

Distraction is a great help at this time especially in the company ot others if you can achieve this.

Hope you feel better and remember that you can be cured. To be having a blip you must have already covered some excellent ground. You have done it before and can do it agan. The fear of it coming back is still a fear and hence may give you symptoms.

Trev :D

05-10-06, 20:43
Thanks trev.
My doc is on hols so may book up with her again when she comes back......
But i have spent the last year to and froing from her and it gives light relief for a while, then it all comes flooding back.

feeling a little better this eve

Hay x

07-10-06, 10:48
Two years ago i had panic attacks and they were awful then i was on medication for a year. Moved 300 mines from my family ans was fine till last month and have been getting synptoms again but this time im gonna beat it. When they start and im at home irun a bath and have a good long soak and it tends to relieve it. Sometimes i get them on the way to work but after half an hour of rushing about ive forgotten about it and feel fine. Ive also started taking Kalms they take the edge of it too. Hope youre feeling better. Also when im at home and have them and my hubby is away i phone a friend for 20 mins and she just talks about anything. She suffers worse than me and that helps too. Take care

09-10-06, 15:09
Things will get better. After having a few anxiety free weeks, I am feeling anxious today and can feel missed heartbeats again. I guess we just have to accept that it will always be a bit of an up and down ride for us. It will pass again. Take care.