View Full Version : Anyone experiencing

AJ 70
16-06-13, 06:36
Hi all
I have had a rough week, I had to stay away from home for 4 days whilst on a course for work, however I found the being away from home and my wife and daughter very hard. I generally don't sleep so well normally getting about between 4 and 6 hours but wake up feeling shattered every day. Once I drag myself up I then start dry heaving, this in itself is very upsetting and unpleasant. I don't think I am thinking about anything in particular when this starts but as its immediate after getting out of bed I'm assuming its about facing another day and wondering am I going to get through this day. Does anyone have any experience of this for discussion.


16-06-13, 07:18
I know what you mean, I am the same but even when I am home. Whenever I am away from my Husband my anxiety hits the roof. I can't sleep, im tired and it gives me fuzzy head and so the anxiety esculates. When I am at home and my husband goes off to work at 6am, I get really anxious - its funny because I wouldn't say he's my crutch or my safety blanket because sometimes when he's around he drives me insane talking talking talking lol Its definitely separation anxiety and I suppose i get it from worrying if he is going to come home, what if something happens to him, to me, to our dog.... I suppose this is a part of general anxiety disorder. :wacko:

AJ 70
16-06-13, 07:32
Thankyou for reply, some of my issue is I use the frequency of these dry heaving events to gauge how I think my recovery is going. Not having had any for weeks was great , but I think this week has set me back tremendously.