View Full Version : Is this GAD?

16-06-13, 12:15
For the past four months:
I can't sleep more then 4/5 hours per night. I fall asleep ok but wake up after 4/5 hours. I can then only sleep another hour.
I am get tension headaches
Terrible muscle aches in the back of my thighs upper arms
Burning sensations in the soles of my feet and palms of my hands.
I feel tired most days.
I want to urinate a lot but don't always produce much.
I am worried I have something wrong with me like chronic fatigue syndrome.
Surely anxiety can't cause this?
Have been obsessed with this for months
Has anybody experienced similar?

16-06-13, 16:02
Yes I have felt all of those things with panic/anxiety disorder. It exhausts me. It's the worst part of it. Because then you end up run down and physically ill from all the anxiety. I would always make sure your dr gives you any tests for other illness' though, as those symptoms could easily be another problem, such as anemia, underactive/overactive thyroid, diabetes and many other things so its good to get those all ruled out.

16-06-13, 19:31
I have been tested for all those things everything is normal.
How long did your sleep issues last

16-06-13, 19:37
Well i would only sleep in 4 hour bouts for about 2-3 years. but i was bad. I would have naps because id obviously be very tierd from the night before, making it worse.

Now i make sure i force myself to go to bed, try not to nap and eat better.

16-06-13, 19:41
has your doc not given you any antidepressant or said what it could be I would go back and ask doc

16-06-13, 21:05
No my doctor thinks it is anxiety.
I sleep in four five hour bouts but don't nap in the day

17-06-13, 07:05
Has nobody else experienced thos