View Full Version : does any one else feel this?

16-06-13, 13:03
hi sorry if this sounds a silly question but i dont know weather its because i suffer with anxiety but every time some one asks me if im ok i reply and say yes thks but as soon as ive said it i start to get more anxouse and i dont know why that happens so just wondering if there is a reason behind it or if any one else gets like it as it is really bothering me why it happens

16-06-13, 14:09
Yes I get that too hun :)

I have to ask everyone, especially if I'm out and about, to please not ask me if I'm ok, I tell them that I will soon let them know if I'm not :D

The reason that your anxiety rises at that point is because someone has accidentally, and very kindly, reminded you that you have anxiety. Of course, they don't do this in a nasty way, they are just concerned for you and don't realise that it's best to just say nothing :)

Just give your friends and family a little bit of polite guidance, like I have, it does work, every now and then my OH forgets himself and goes to ask, but I just give him my "look" and he soon stops :winks:

16-06-13, 15:42
hi thk you auntiemoose it does make sence of what you expained i feel abit better now someone else gets it and isnt just me, i did kind of thought that because of my very low self asteem i just dont believe that i am ok and dont believe inmyself if that makes any sence so thk you once again

16-06-13, 18:11
Yeah I get this too. I almost feel immediately sad after saying I'm okay thanks because I know deep down that I'm not and that I've still got a way to go :(