View Full Version : Very scared.

16-06-13, 13:32
Been extremely panicky the past week. Yesterday I had a breakdown and spent three hours crying non-stop because I felt so panicky and sick. My partner didn't know what to do. Can anyone else give me any advice? Today I have at least got out of bed and washed but I feel so panicky, like I am permanently on the verge of having a panic attack (I literally mean, from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep). I have been struggling to eat which in turn has given me awful headaches which have made me feel more sick and panicky! Plus I have a phobia of being sick, I am one complete wreck. My partner has said he will arrange a phone call doctor appointment in the week to try and get me to see a Psychiatrist but I don't see how that's going to stop me being like this. How am I supposed to carry on existing like this? I don't know if I can??

16-06-13, 13:43
Are you on a medication currently hun ??

It sound to me as if you're have a bit of a depressive episode with your anxiety being much more marked.

Firstly, I know it's hard, but please try to eat something, even if it's just a little something, half a sandwich, a piece of toast, some crackers maybe a piece of fruit, anything you fancy really. It is important to eat as it will effect your mood more if you're not getting any nourishment and a low blood sugar level will make you feel pretty rough too, so do try as hard as you can :)

I really think that you need to be seeing your GP as soon as is possible, even asking for an urgent appointment really, as the sooner you're seen the quicker the help will come :) So I'd be on to your surgery tomorrow morning and seeing what they can do for you :)

For today just try and keep as chilled as you can, no stress, just nice and quiet and relaxed.

Try some distraction too, maybe watch a nice film, listen to some pleasant music, go for a little walk somewhere where it's going to be relatively quiet :)

Hun you don't have to get used to carrying on like this, because it's not going to carry on :) You are going to feel better soon, it's just you're having a bit of a rough moment, but it will pass. I get rough moments too, I hate them, yes, but they always do pass, so just hang on to that thought :)


16-06-13, 15:14
Listen to AuntieMoosie, she gives good advice. I also think a phone call should be made to your GP tomorrow morning. Don't put it off until later in the week. When you call in the morning the Doc may even agree to talk to you over the phone if an appointment isn't available for a few days.
I have been where you are now and understand how difficult it is for you to want to eat but a lot of your feelings of nausea and panic are being caused by hunger. It is important that you get some food into you. I know how difficult this is at the moment so don't worry about sitting down for a meal. Just nibble and graze. Choose plain foods that slide down without too much chewing. I started with instant potato and custard. Complan, ice cream, yogurt drinks whatever you can manage a small spoonful at a time, it will all help you. I used to raid the sugar bowl too.
As Moosie says, things won't stay like this for ever. The first step is to call your GP. It won't make you feel any better but many of us will recognise how you are feeling right now and you will come through this. Keep in touch with us here and we can support you toward your recovery.
Be nice to yourself and good luck with the doc.

17-06-13, 12:41
Thanks for your replies, it always means a lot to me.

Yesterday I managed to function a lot more normally and even managed to go to the small shop next door with my partner. But I am still struggling, just not having a mental breakdown like the other day.

My partner has had to go out as his sister has been unwell with depression and I am feeling unable to phone my doctors surgery myself. Just the thought of doing it brings up that horrible anxious feeling. So perhaps we can call them when he gets home later, or it will be tomorrow. I am very worried that I will be expected to carry on like I have been the last few days whilst waiting for a referral to the Psychiatrist. I am also worried that once I get an appointment, I will be in such a state I will not be able to go to the appointment. I worry that it won't help. I don't understand how I will be expected to live like I have been until the therapy sessions start working (if they do). At the same time, I don't know what else can be done to help me.

I am taking 10mg Seroxat at the moment. I cannot remember if I took my usual dose on Friday night, which might have been one of the reasons I was in such a state Saturday morning.

17-06-13, 14:23
How long have you been on the seroxat? 10mg is a fairly low dose. I'm a seroxat girl myself and am on 10mg but only after years of being on 20mg. Not trying to say you should be on a higher dose but it does sound as though this isn't really working for you right now. If you've only just started on this then it will take some time to kick in.
As the other wise folk have said, do try and eat something however hard it may be. Things may seem desperate right now but it will get better. Most of us here have felt like you at one time or another and we've all lived to tell the tale. You are not alone. Come here and let it all out whenever you need to.
Take care
Sal x

18-06-13, 20:43
I do feel like I'm annoying people or burdening people if I let it all out, even on here. I know others on here are struggling too. I feel very selfish and I don't mean to be.

I have been on the Seroxat 10mg for 7 weeks tomorrow. I understand I should give it a few more weeks yet. In fact, I've heard it can take up to a year. That's the problem, I hear so many different things. I have a phone call appointment with the doctor on Friday. I am rather worried about it. Not sure why but at the same time, I am worrying no good will come of it.

Been rather anxious today, it always makes me feel bad, like nothing's getting better.

18-06-13, 21:23
Hun first of all, I know it can take several weeks for antidepressants to start to work properly, but that's normally anything from a couple of weeks to, I would say a maximum of 3 months, I've never, ever heard of it ever taking anywhere near a year, so I feel you have been slightly misinformed by that figure :)

The thing is when we suffer from anxiety everything can make us anxious and half the time, we really don't know why :)

I'm sure that the telephone appointment with your doctor will prove positive, as least, I hope it does, remember to tell them exactly how you're feeling :)

Hun you are not burdening anyone :) That's what this site if for, we all share our problems so that we can support each other, so never feel that you have to apologise for how you're feeling or for wanting support :)

I hope that all goes well for you on Friday, please let us know how it goes hun :hugs:

19-06-13, 10:42
Thank you, I feel so grateful for having found this website.

I am very relieved to hear I am misinformed about it taking a year. Three months is a bit more understandable. I do wonder if I need a higher dose.

I woke up very panicky this morning. I do hope it eases. I have a feeling I'll have another 'breakdown' otherwise.

As for the doctors appointment, the plan is for me to tell the doctor that I don't feel unable to explain the problem are accurately as it necessary, as it's a bit desperate now. So hopefully he'll be okay with my partner explaining it to him over the phone. Does anyone have experience of this and know if this is okay? I think legally, as long as I tell the doctor it's okay, it'll be alright.

I just want to feel better. About six years ago I suffered from this and had to leave my job. I was ill for two years. This time round, I had to leave my job again and it's a lot worse than before I think.

19-06-13, 10:55
Hi I know just how you feel I am at the worst I have ever been as soon as I open my eyes I go straight into panic/anxiety, it is so wearing and soul destroying. I have been off sick from work since 2nd may and it worries me about getting back, as at the moment I can not get out at all.
I am sue your doctor will be happy to speak to your husband and I hope between the three of you you are able to work something out. You are lucky to have your husbands support, mine just thinks I am crazy
Good luck for phone call

19-06-13, 11:42

Physcadelic-Brie u hang on in there - listen to auntie Moosie - she's fab. x

19-06-13, 22:02
Thank you Col for your very kind comments, you too a fab hun :hugs:

I'm also sending everyone hugs, I so know what it's like to be where you are and it's like a living hell!

But, please remember that it will get better, I know we don't believe it at the time, but it will :yesyes: :hugs:

20-06-13, 10:48
I'm sorry to hear that your husband thinks that. I am indeed very lucky and I wish fellow sufferers had the support I do. I think it helps that he's been through it himself.

I do hope things improve. I hope they do for everyone else as well. I do believe we just don't have enough help in the way of the services though.