View Full Version : Sinus/tension headache?

16-06-13, 15:09
For the past few months my shoulders have been very tence and I feel faint a lot of the time I'm currently doing CBT. But over the past week all the tension that was in my neck feels like its gone all up in my forehead and behind my eyes and I keep getting tingling in the left side of my head and every time I walk anywhere I feel really off balance and it sets me off in a panic. It's not helping that I suffer health anxiety I keep thinking something's wrong with my head and having horrible thoughts.

16-06-13, 15:18
Quite likely a tension headache. This is caused by the muscles in the neck, rather than those where the pain is felt. However, can you breath easily through both nostrils? Any pain around the eyes? If so it may be sinuitis or rhinitis, which is easily treated with an OTC spray.

16-06-13, 15:29
I can breathe through my nose fine, I did have a nose bleed tho the other day don't no if that's a sign of anything and all under my eyes it feels puffy and behind my eyes ache a bit. I know it is a tension headache but I always think what if its more than that I'm just really not liking the off balance feeling at all

16-06-13, 18:13
Well I would guess at sinusitis/rhinitis or hayfever.

17-06-13, 04:16
I get this, too. I have bad allergies/hay fever so sometimes it's that, but if I'm more stressed out that usual, my headaches are awful. They can be at the back of my neck where my neck and head meet and/or behind my eyes or above my eyebrows. I, too, get convinced that it's a brain tumor or something else terrible, but eventually they go away.

17-06-13, 12:18
The more you think about it the worse it becomes as I learnt at CBT, I can deal with it most if the time it's just the dizziness, feeling off balance and feeling like I'm going to faint that makes me worse and feel like I'm dying. But I went to the doctors a year and a half ago saying I thought I had a brain tumour and she reassured me that you will be being sick and have a very intence headache in the morning I also had an eye test and nothing showed up other than needing glasses which helped till a couple months ago I'm convinced I have something wrong with me. I think I maybe starting to get hay fever aswell I keep sneezing when I'm outside or open a window and then My nose runs and my eyes water.