View Full Version : Breathing issues? Making my health anxiety rise :(

16-06-13, 15:22
I had so much trouble falling asleep last night because of a stuffy nose. I took an allergy pill and went back to bed but it felt like I wasn't breathing properly, or taking a full enough breath. It also feels like its stiff or something around my chest and on the top of my stomach. I can't even explain it! Am I just over thinking things?

16-06-13, 15:25
That's how I'm feeling generally at the moment, holding the bottom of my ribs tense and can't relax my chest :(

16-06-13, 15:31
That's just like me! It feels like someone's sitting on my stomach and chest ;(

16-06-13, 15:47
Yep I know how you feel but no suggestions I'm afraid :(

16-06-13, 17:10
exactly the same as you & every1 else

17-06-13, 04:21
I often feel like that, too. The only thing that helps is laying on my stomach. The worst is when it happens during class and all I can think about is how my breathing isn't right, but I can't fix it!

17-06-13, 13:46
Hello, thanks for replying guys!

I will try laying on my stomach next time it happens. :) I'm really starting to think its all anxiety since when I'm busy I don't notice it.