View Full Version : Panic attack.

16-06-13, 15:33
How do other people feel when they get a full blown panic?

16-06-13, 16:33
well tracy i feel horrible, i get totally overcome and feel like i am going to pass out or faint, i have to try and remember to breath, i am so relieved once it is over they are all consuming good luck with yours blessings

16-06-13, 18:10
I feel very sick like i'm about to throw up any moment. I also feel very weak like my legs and arms have gone to jelly and i've no strength. I just feel like I will pass out any moment. It passes though and I have never actually fainted or been sick from a panic attack!

16-06-13, 19:21
Hot and cold flashes, severe dizziness, heavy legs, numbness, especially in my hands and face and sometimes nausea and crying fits. I usually get a brain fog too right before and everything feels numb and hazy. Felt like I might faint once but managed not to!

17-06-13, 13:44
Thanks for replying everyone, im feeling a bit better today :)