View Full Version : CPN

16-06-13, 17:06
Anyone been referred to a CPN? Any advice on what to expect?

16-06-13, 17:09
What does CPN stand for? Not heard of it before :)

16-06-13, 18:09
I believe it stands for Community Psychiatric Nurse

16-06-13, 18:47
Thanks :)

16-06-13, 19:33

Many years ago when I first started out with crippling anxiety and panic attacks I was referred to a CPN. She came to visit me at home for a couple of weeks and then I had a few more meetings at the clinic. She was very good and after talking to her I was able to understand more about what was happening to me and that I wasn't going mad! She also talked me through some tips on managing the attacks. I did find it very helpful. I had 2 small children and needed to be able to cope and she did help me. I can't say it was a miracle cure as I also started on antidepressants which did help and after a year or so I was med free and feeling fine. Fast forward 5 years and I was back having the same problems. No CPN for me this time but straight onto seroxat which was brilliant and I've been mostly fine ever since but I am still on them. I do wonder if perhaps the 2nd time around the CPN would have helped me cope without long term meds. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I had a really good experience and I hope you do too.

Take care


16-06-13, 19:44
I saw a cpn a few years ago she was very good just a normal person trained in mental health she was brilliant called to my house once a week to talk she could also give advice on meds nothing to be worried about take care