View Full Version : New here, HELP! please

16-06-13, 21:04
Just joined today, got diagnosed with depression after not being able to cope with stress at work started citalopram reluctantly a month ago when i went off work as a last resort of trying to get control back over my life. The meds have worked well after 2 weeks making every day tasks easier and i can get up in mornings and do things productive which i couldn't before. Last night i drank wine quite heavily (stupid on these meds i know) and reacted how i haven't to alcohol before vomiting and real low mood, feel like its put me back to square one at rock bottom even though felt i was getting better before. Iv read it takes 5 days to get meds working again sound umbearable being at the 1st stage again does it actualy get better or is it a constant step forward 10 back? My career is is in the balance i have a demanding job and can only be off realy for so long im scared to death im never going to get the top side of this. Any advice or experience shared is very much appreciated im at rock bottom and my whole life is realy in the balance carreer, relationship with my partner etc. Help!!! :wacko:

16-06-13, 21:30
Hi, best advice is don't drink, I know that is easier said than done. Doesn't mix well with your medication. Look at the Glasgow Steps website http://glasgowsteps.com/home.php. Having suffered from stress at work myself you need to take as long as it takes. The more worried you are the worse you feel so try not to think about your work.
There are lots of people on this site with similar experiences so you will get plenty of advice. Take care, Teresa

16-06-13, 21:48
Meds and drink are not wise, but you know that yourself now.

16-06-13, 22:16
Thanks for the advice, this is what im worrying about im due to go back to work next week and if i dont go back im going to get in trouble for sickness already in trouble for my performance lately in a catch 22. Its a weird one iv never had time of work before and never had these issues its all new but theres no escaping depression effects ur work some day usual self and fine others cant do the simplest of tasks. It's good to know im not the only one with this problem terrified not going to be able to work, How Long did you have off work?