View Full Version : Lets talk about tips to control HA.

16-06-13, 21:24
Hi all, I'm a regular for posting threads with my 'lymphoma and melanoma "symptoms"'
However, I feel that this give me reassurance at first but it doesn't last long.
I thought it may be helpful to share stories around coping mechanisms??
I know that avoiding google us one, but how has everyone achieved this, willpower!?
I am feeling do depressed and lonely as I truly believe I have this illness and its being ignored!!

Anyone got tips, advice, inspirational stories??

---------- Post added at 21:24 ---------- Previous post was at 21:23 ----------

Ps I apologise for the iPhone spelling mistakes above ;-)

17-06-13, 17:05
HI Panicperson

I had to reply to your post as I've just posted something similar myself.

I wish I had some tips but I don't, just really hoping that some people can give some positive stories and answers on how they are coping or have even managed to overcome their HA.

At the moment I'm on the verge or resorting back to meds as I can't get a grip and that's with CBT as well.

God I hate HA, it just controls my life and I'm more annoyed with myself that I allow it too!

Hopefully someone can give some inspirational advice :)

17-06-13, 20:29
The only tip I can give is Believe your Doctor and more important your body!

This is coming from a person that never did, I have had ALS/MND, Many Heart Attacks, Heart Disease, Endocarditis, Stokes and many more

But I have had enough of it all and have had to come to terms that I would be the most unlucky person in the would to have all this happen to me.

Also learning to understand our bodies is a must most of our symptoms can be reproduced by doing certain things ie: I can make my shoulder ache and then pins and needles in my arm (to me that used to be a sign of heart attack coming on) but know I know it is because of the way I sit when my anxiety is high and I must be pressing on a nerve.

That's is all I can say on the matter, I still find myself lost in the world of HA but I soon learn a little more

17-06-13, 21:58
AceofSpades, for a second i thought you really had had all those things :P

As for tips, I've seriously considered writing myself a list called 'reasons I mightn't be dying'. I considered 'probably not', but didn't want to push my luck :D

This list would consist of tests I've had done and conditions that have been hopefully ruled out, plus discrepancies in my symps that wouldn't normally fit with some of the conditions I'm scared of. I could then look at this when I'm feeling really crappy. Haven't tried it yet though.

17-06-13, 22:05
Hi all. Trusting the GP is a big one. Trusting your body, I find hard, as my body tells me opposite to the doctor!!
I completely know how u feel re going back on medications. I stopped mine but wonder if that was a bad move.
I feel soooo bad at the moment with HA. Been crying hysterically this evening!! Going GP tomorrow for two lumps I've found. In my mind I've already been classed as terminally ill.
Do u think keeping thought diarys work? I thought about a blog type thing!
Sometimes writing things down can help!
Do u all feel a constant sick feeling? X

17-06-13, 22:45
When I say trusting your body I mean once you have learnt something like say for instants someone gets constant chest pain (I have) that can be reproduced by applying pressure to a certain area then it must be a muscular problem and you can the address that issue and make a mental note that it can't harm you.

It gets hard once you get multiply symptoms but it works on the same principle you rule one thing out at a time and don't try to rule everything out at once as you will just go round in circles.
I have had chest pain + Jaw pain + Shoulder pain and also numbness down the arm and them my heart rate would shoot up and I would start to sweat and feel sick and then oh my god this is it the big heart attack. But when you try to explain everything as a bundle you can't you have to break the problem down and learn to trust your body and not what your mind confused with anxiety is saying.

And then you are armed with the knowledge.
I have had to do it and it has worked so far

18-06-13, 09:32
Something my gp suggested to me was to write a diary retrospectively of how you felt at the time, and how you felt afterwards and why it was unfounded if that makes sense. Like a log to show yourself you've been here before and was fine.

18-06-13, 21:54
That's a good idea.
I've felt this week that I was so anxious I couldn't concentrate on any CBT aids that I was advised to use!
I don't want to include my reasons as it will take the over the point if my thread!
Anyways... With CBT, how often have u attended? How frequent?
Do u all avoid watching hospital based programmes?
I won't watch one of my soaps at present as makes reference to cancer in lymph node. I feel like I can't watch as will panic.

How did u all start with HA, and do your families understand?x

19-06-13, 03:56
@mummyanxious, I do that too. My HA is usually triggered by symptoms, when I'm symptom free, I can live life normally. When I get a symptom, however small it is, I will stress myself out and sometimes can't even perform my daily routine.

So I started a diary to log my emotions and symptoms on a daily basis. After about a year, I went back to review and I see a cycle and some similarities. For example, for some reason, I frequently find blood in my phlegm (sorry TMI) whenever I cough due to a viral flu. I always panic, but in the end, it always clear up. That's because the lining of my throat is thin and vulnerable to friction caused by my coughing. So the next time when I get this, I am less panicky.

So I think the diary does help a lot. :)