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05-10-06, 15:00
Hi there,

I have had anxiety for a while now, and i thought it was getting better, only recently, i have suddenly found myself worrying. It started with pains in my muscles all over my body. my vision blurrs, my legs and arms feel like shaky and jelly like. i am totally scared. can anyone offer any advice ?



05-10-06, 16:06
hi there
i had the very same thing this morning at work and i get it quite often.
i started to panic but told myself it was nothing to worry about it's just anxiety as i'me sure yours is. i tried to distract myself and it just went away. it is a common symptom of anxiety. try not to worry. take care.

05-10-06, 18:15

Try not to worry, sounds like a symptom of anxiety and its very common. Do you have any hobbies? Something you could do in your spare time to take your mind off things.

x x

06-10-06, 08:24
HI there.

Jelly legs and arms are are major problem with me. Because the jelly legs affect the way you walk sometimes; all kinds of worries go on in my head. Its one of the more common symptoms of anxiety.

As for the blurring and muscle aching too; are you getting enough sleep. I find this happens more when Im exhausted. Anxiety takes it out of you and sometimes we dont realise how drained and tired we are. We live life on standby; alert and ready for fight or flight. Imagine the stress this places on all of our muscles and organs.

The only advice I can offer is the same for every symptom and every person! Try not to be afraid of it. Jelly legs arent scary really are they? (I know I know easier said than done!!)

Take care.

Good day to all.

JulieG x

06-10-06, 18:15
I get jelly legs alot, it is common with anxiety, something to do with adrenaline in the muscles.

Like Julie said try not to worry about it, adding fear will make it seem worse, i know thats easier said than done but please dont worry your legs wont let you down!
Infact if you think about it surely your legs are stronger than ever with the extra adrenaline!

Also anxiety can affect your vision, i also get blurred vision, try not to worry these are normal fight or flight respnses that happen when we panic.

11-01-09, 11:02
get a diabetes test,iv had the same symptoms along time and after 9 years of this its got too frequent 75% of every day is affected..i struggle to even dress my children i get so weak,and im only 23
my doc is finally sending me for a diabetes test! i do suffer from panic disorder aswel though but iv been on anti-depressants for 6 years and they have never helped me at all!

hope this helps!

07-02-13, 12:00
i have all the ubove every day at mo and also am suffering with lower back ache all conected i think i do start to panic and think is got to be something else and and not going to able to walk again then i read te forum and my panic subsides for a while untill i feel another symtom then theres something else wrong with me does any one else feel like this ?????????

07-02-13, 16:41
Just the same quinnel, upper back pain is my thing....hazy and julies posts explain it well i think

07-02-13, 16:55
I had the same walking to work today also as my anxiety is high today. At the moment my vision is blurred as I am so tired and tensed up so I know I need to try and relax. Sounds total anxiety symptoms:hugs:

Mystic Sea
07-02-13, 17:06
I'm the same. I get feint headed when I feel really anxious and extremely nervous too inside. People say it doesn't show on the outside but I suppose its the sunglasses I wear to hide my eyes that stop people noticing. I think being new to it is the worst experience as it scares you completely. Can only say that your not alone and to try not to worry about what you are worrying about. Easily said than done I know but if you can do it it does help. I find breathing excercises helps.....close ur eyes and breath in slowly for five seconds and then breath slowly out for five seconds. This relaxes me.

10-06-13, 22:00
My legs shake like a weakling when I walk down stairs that I have been doing for years now without issues. When I read weak legs is a sign of ALS I broke down in tears shaking even more from my ensuing panic attack. I have a doctors apointment tomorrow I hope to get a blood test to check thyroid, check for diabetes, and to hopefully rule out als. I am in such a state of panic and fear I can barely speak or think at times.

I try to relax and not think about it but soon as I get up to do anything I feel my shakey legs and panic all over again.

14-05-14, 00:29
I have jelly arms and legs, right now. But I didn't feel that way the day before yesterday, it comes and goes it's worse when I think about it. So I tell myself it is anxiety plus not sleeping well. And I had a panic today and yesterday, so it is anxiety, definitely bad tonight.