View Full Version : feeling guilty

17-06-13, 09:11
hi i have anixety disorder and today its on high....ive had a good weekend and spent all day saturday drinking...with friends as all with out for a birthday
but now im feeling really guilty not that i have done anything by the way....its just thats part of my anxiety i wish i never drunk that much now and i hate feeling low...i keep thinking did i upset anyone or did anyone think i was a pain etc....does anyone get this feeling its like a constantly paranoid
i am really depressed aswell today is it because i did have such a great weekend and now im on a low

17-06-13, 09:47
Hi Torri.the highs and lows of having a good night out.i recenty posted about going out drinking and the chance of feeling low for a couple of days after drink.It will pass and try not to get paranoid about things,thats just your anxiety playing on your mind.the fact you had a good weekend ,try to hold onto that thought..was it worth going out ? Only to now feel low.for me it is and except i will ferl low. I had a great night out and get the lows,but i feel its worth it on ocasions..chin up.good luck

17-06-13, 18:15
Yep, that is absolutely me after a night out! I always think I've been too loud, said something I shouldn't, made an idiot out of myself by dancing like a loon.
Paranoid, absolutely.
However, when I don't go out, I'm missed. Apparently it's not the same and the fact that people keep asking me to go out with them is good. I keep trying to remind myself of that.