View Full Version : Help how long

17-06-13, 10:53
Hi, I have been in a state of uncontrollable anxiety/panic since Friday, although I have suffered with panic attacks for 14 years I have never had anything like this before, it has completely taken me over, if you have these episodes how long do they normally last before they calm down, feel so desperate at the moment I have considered trying to be admitted to a psychiatric unit.

17-06-13, 11:12
You will not be admitted to a psychiatric unit as you are not at risk of harm.

Try taking your mind off the anxiety, try something distracting like exercising, a hobby, cleaning, puzzles etc. Being active uses the adrenaline and releases endorphins. Maybe see a friend a family just to get a change of scenery.

17-06-13, 12:15
Hi Kim,

I'm feeling exactly like you at the moment and have had the exact same thoughts. Xxx Rennie is right, even though we might feel like it's the only place for us, it isn't. We're not going mad, it's just the panic. Can you get to your gp? Xxx

17-06-13, 12:44
Hi, my GP is on holiday this week, I am very lucky he is brilliant and a bit like a comfort blanket, I don't feel up to going through it with another one. I will ride this week out and if still as bad next week will speak to him. I am starting CBT next Tuesday also

17-06-13, 13:57
CBT will be helpful, as long as you go with an open mind.
We can all get in the place you find yourself at this time. It is despair, as you desperately want to make yourself feel better...
It is the trying, and the worrying that keeps you in this state.
I know how difficult this is, but give up this struggle... Let it all go, stop working it out, and understand that it will pass soon, but you need to accept the way you feel and allow your nerves to calm down on their own. You cannot control them, so stop trying to.
Hope this helps.