View Full Version : Panic - Holiday Tomorrow

17-06-13, 11:27
Hello everyone.

This is my first post on here although I have read and lurked for a while!

I had a few worries during my pregnancy and after the birth of my third child two years ago following a previous traumatic experience. I was referred to a community mental health nurse who I saw fortnightly for a few months. He told me what I was experiencing was anxiety and gave me various coping strategies for when I could feel things escalating. As I felt I was making progress we agreed to meetings would stop 9 months ago.

Unfortunately things have gotten worse over that time, and I think I have unintentionally made myself worse by being so determined not to feel worse (if you know what I mean). I called a helpline in February who suggested I see the doc but I went into defensive mode and vowed I wouldn't let it get the better of me, who was I kidding?

I have begun to have panic attacks and severe bouts of anxiety and have had to give in and go back to the docs, where I got myself in a right old worked up state and got a good telling off for leaving it so long!

I have been referred back to the community mental health nurse who I was seeing before (phew!) but it may take a couple of weeks for an appointment to come through.

I am due to go on holiday tomorrow to Majorca for a week and I have spent the past 3 days getting more and more worked up over it, not sleeping and feeling panicky. I didn't see this as a problem whenI spoke to the doc last week but I think it was probably bubbling away in the back of my mind.

The doctor did not prescribe me any medication just yet, he wants me to try the nurse again first.

I am not worried about the flight itself or being in Majorca, I'm just over-thinking and worrying about 'what-ifs' and I can feel the panic building up. I've tried deep breathing but gotten myself into a vicious circle whereby I'm worrying about something (what if I'm late for the flight, what if security refuse to let us through, what if there aren't enough beds in the room, etc etc) that I know is completely irrational but the more I worry the more panicky I get and now I'm worrying I'm going to have a panic attack in the airport or even worse on the plane.

Any suggestions? I wonder whether to go and get myself some rescue remedy or kalms?

17-06-13, 14:01
I am just the same before a holiday and going over and over all the what ifs! I always seem to enjoy my holiday when I get there though. I take rescue remedy with me and sometimes have a diazepam the night before so that I can get enough sleep.

17-06-13, 14:11
Thanks Annie, I'm off to get some rescue remedy now, it's got to be worth a try!

17-06-13, 14:12
Put some relaxing music on an mp3 player as well for the journey. I hope you have a lovely holiday x