View Full Version : Hello!! I'm new to this site!

17-06-13, 14:39

Now I'm actually typing something, my mind has gone blank on how to actually introduce myself - oh dear, what a fantastic start! :ohmy: :blush:

Anyway, in short; I'm currently suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. I've been particularly suffering from it over the past couple of weeks. It has been awful, I won't lie with several trips to the doctors and also with feeling anxious in environments that I never used to feel anxious in - which believe me, is frustrating! It's been emotional as well as being exhausting both mentally and physically - to the point where I prefer to stay in my house rather than to go out to places that are only about 15 minutes away. It just feels safe and secure, that is the only way I can describe it. I also feel nauseous throughout the day which puts me off eating food and I constantly wake up in the night. My doctor suggested all sorts of things to help - including this site to me today, and I honestly thought "why not?" :shrug: As I'm trying my best to not let the anxiety take over my life. However, the main thing is that I am aware of what's going on and I'm hoping to overcome it - as I'm sure a lot of you are!

I won't go into significant details too much about myself as this is only an introduction but I do find that it's reassuring to meet people who have had or are going through the same or something similar to what I am. So if you are going through anything similar - don't hesitate to say hello! :)


17-06-13, 15:36
Hi :welcome:

22-06-13, 22:03
Hi, I'm new too. Similar things happening for me. Nice to meet you, :)

22-06-13, 23:53
Hi lalalaaa and :welcome:

Your symptoms are very like mine and I`m sure many other people who are on this site.

I hope you find the help and support you need.

Speranza, Hope you find the site helpful too:)

24-06-13, 18:01
hi im new here too welcome I also have similar problems hope you will find comfort here

24-06-13, 18:18
hi im new too, i didnt realise anxiety made people feel as bad as it does, its nice to know with the help of this site that your not alone and it can affect anyone, i thought i would be the last person to suffer from but its got me good and proper !!! just want to feel normal x

24-06-13, 19:24
A great welcome to all the newbees.

Remember we were all newbees once and you will find plenty of support on here.

25-06-13, 17:28
Hi im tracey im new and ist about 4 weeks i have had health anxiety today i am really struggling, the thourghts going in my head and i feel so down, i had a 24 hour heart Monitor done and now i have to wait 3-4weeks for the result maybe ist the waiting why i feel so low today, i just want to be able to Talk to anyone going through what i am it would be nice to hear from someone:bighug1: