View Full Version : Can anyone relate?

17-06-13, 14:41
I have anxiety and also depersonalization sometimes, the dp is not a daily occurrence but it does come at times of high anxiety. The problem I'm having is with sleep, I know this sounds kind of odd but before I got to sleep I'm having panic attacks where it feels like I've stopped breathing, this sends anxiety through me and I jump up and I feel like I don't know where I am or how i'm even alive (everything feels unfamiliar and takes on an eerie feeling) and it makes me panic 100x more.

The other thing is my memories seem to have taken on a eerie feeling, they don't feel like they are real or that they really happened.

I know this sounds a bit 'crazy' but this is what's bothering me!

17-06-13, 16:25
Yep I can defo relate to when my anxiety is flaring up when I try to fall asleep I think I've stopped breathing and makes me more anxious, it makes causes me to worry about my breathing through the day too but only when my anxiety is playing up or I feel really down. This can last for a few days or weeks.
It has something to do with when we have anxiety or feeling dp our breathing shallows which makes us feel like when can't breath, also you feel tense inside.
When I feel fine it doesn't bother me at all although the muscles in my chest and diaphragm feel achey and tight for a few days after.

18-06-13, 02:36
Greg, I know what you mean, I used to get this in the midst of my panic attacks too. I went through what I call my "black" period where I too didn't know where I was, why was I alive, the meaning of life kind of questions used to run through my head and I could never find the solution which escalated my fear. It used to terrify me but the older I get the less I have those "black" period moments and I have learnt to do many many things again - I never thought I would ever be able to look up in the sky or look at clouds again but through CBT I pulled through and I can once again enjoy the sunshine. I don't know what causes those feelings of not knowing where you are, who you are, what are you doing here, those why what and how questions. The only thing I can put it down to is you have had a trigger (feeling of not breathing), that triggers a massive panic attack which in turn causes the dp. I think personally think it has something to do with being a perfectionist to a certain degree. Wanting to know the answers of why what how etc and when you just can't get your head around it the panic attack worsens - its a vicious circle. I know I have touched on many different aspects here some specific to your problem some not.... Sorry about that. I hope you're feeling better now.

19-06-13, 00:09
Thank you both of you!

I can relate to that a lot hheavenlyangel, that's pretty much exactly how I feel. I just hope it goes away soon :weep: