View Full Version : Help please! Argh! Going away anxiety!!

17-06-13, 15:51
Okay, I've been through my exams recently and got through it all I feel like I did okay too so all good. However, hubby and i are off camping for the weekend and the dreaded anxiety has kicked in. To add insult to injury, the forecast this weekend is set to rain and I'm due on my monthly so its just adding to the stress. I feel like I just don't want to go this time but I know hubby would be really disappointed.

The weird thing is, I don't know what I'm stressed about We're going Thurs till Sunday so it's hardly a long break yet I'm starting to dread it. I go through this with holidays but always go and always have a good time. However, if the weather is appalling on Thursday, I really want to just not go.

Advice? :weep:

17-06-13, 16:09
Hi Munki,

I know just how you feel you poor thing. :hugs:

You could try doing a little exercise where you write down the thoughts that are making you feel panicky and then think back over previous holidays and writing down whether that thing has ever actually happened or not.

It's the catastrophic thoughts that can cause us to feel this way, so finding a way to prove those thoughts wrong might help.

Of course, if your period's about to start, that can make everything seem 10 times worse, it does for me!

Can you talk to your husband about it? X

17-06-13, 17:33
Ah thanks for replying, Caramel.

Funnily enough, I've just sorted out my things to take on Thursday and it's actually made me completely calm down and, dare I say, feel a bit uplifted! Sometimes being practical can make a difference. I sort of know I don't have to faff about later in the week now so I can just go! I feel much better.

I usually speak to my Mum about it as she gets it. You know you have someone who does one thing in your life, another who does another etc...well, it's Mum that's my guardian angel and advises me well. She popped in with my best mate and we had a wonderful chat about the universe. A non-related, random yet deep conversation :)

Thanks for the reply. Is yours when you go away too? x

17-06-13, 17:40
I get really anxious about going places too. Even though I always seem to enjoy myself when I get there it doesn't stop me panicking the next time!! I hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend.

17-06-13, 18:05
That's great Munki, I'm so glad you're feeling a bit better about it. :)

Unfortunately, my agoraphobia has now reached the stage where I'm not able to do things like that, but I know I will one day! I really admire you, it's people like you that inspire me to keep trying. :hugs:

17-06-13, 18:46
I go through this with holidays but always go and always have a good time.

I think this is an important thing to remember. Keep telling yourself, "I always have a good time," and it might just help a little.

I'm glad you feel better about it now you have sorted out what to take. I find planning things reassuring, because it helps to know everything is organised. I hope you have a great time and maybe the weather won't be as bad as forecast!