View Full Version : Cold medication on Cit?

17-06-13, 18:10
I have been looking after 3 1/2 children this last friday till monday and have come home full of cold and aches....... I knew I was going to as I was coughed and splutterd on by a 2 and 4 year old all weekend.

I do check with the chemist or interaction checkers etc before taking medication as cit and other ssri's have lots of interactions with other drugs.

but just a quick question for those who take cit.....what do you take (if anything) when you have colds/flu?

17-06-13, 18:21
Hellooooooo Emmz :)

Sounds like you've had much fun........kids are just the worse things ever for spreading germs, bless em :winks:

I usually just take the usual ibuprofen or paracetamol, paracetamol is brilliant for bringing your temperature down and stopping you from feeling feverish, plus taking away the aches and pains :)

Whatever you decide to have, make sure to have plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids :)

Of course..............mooooooooo cooooooooo's don't get colds or flu...............we just get mad cow disease instead, which makes it much better....................:winks: :roflmao:


Hope you feel better soon..........sending lots of healing hugs Emmz :hugs:

17-06-13, 18:27
Beechams Flu plus are quite good, its paracetamol with caffeine. I take these with citalopram with no problems

17-06-13, 18:37
Emmz - who was the poor 1/2 a child you were looking after?

Pip :winks:

17-06-13, 18:45
lol Pipkin........I was thinking the very same thing...........3 1/2 children?? You're not a midwife are you Emmz?? Maybe the 1/2 is one that's on the way ?? :winks:

17-06-13, 18:49
Thanks Moosie :) I had a great weekend apart from coming back ill and being woken at 6AM by a happy 2 year old for the last 3 mornings haha

you are not meant to take Ibruprofen on cit though.

haha love that picture :D Thank you for the hugs but don't get too close, or you will get mad cow disease xxxxxxxx

Thanks Mike I will look for those :)

Haha Pip that would be my 16 year old nephew, he doesn't need much looking after so is only a half :D

17-06-13, 18:59
Oh dear..........oooooops..........I've taken ibuprofen loads of times on Cit............well it can't do too much damage then cos I'm still here.................well, sort of :roflmao:

17-06-13, 19:26
I usually take Lemsip, its fine with cit as it contains paracetamol not aspirin. :)

17-06-13, 20:08
Why are you not suppose to take ibuprofen on cit?? I got quite a few headaches along with aches/pains the 1st few days I was taking cit, so took multiple ibuprofen over a few days, took my headache away and I felt fine?!

17-06-13, 21:49
Its a but confusing, the citalopram survival guide says to avoid ibuprofen, but my sister who works in Boots says its OK. I just stick to paracetamol to be on the safe side.

17-06-13, 21:51
I've checked this in MIMS and it says you should discuss taking NSAIDs and cit together with your GP. NSAIDs include ibuprofen and aspirin, amongst others. There's no mention of paracetamol though.


17-06-13, 21:56
If I remember rightly it is something to do with an increased risk of bleeding in the stomach.

but you have to remember that they have to add all side effects to meds, no matter how small the risks