View Full Version : Panicky Or Highly Anxious? What Is The.....

17-06-13, 18:55
funniest thing you've ever done ??

For instance, if you're out and about and feeling panicky, or wherever really, but have you ever said or done anything funny???

Me yes, several times, I'll give you a couple..........

1) Went into a bakers shop, saw some yellow cup cakes, wanted to ask the assistant if they were "lemon" and instead I asked her "those little yellow cakes in the window, are they yellow??" Yes I did get a very strange look, but we both ended up having a good laugh about it anyway :roflmao:

2) Into the bank I went to withdraw some money, I asked "can I please withdraw £50 ?" and the assistant said "not with that you can't, no" when I looked, I'd given her my tesco club card :blush: :roflmao:

So let's have your funnies then, I know there must be loads...........:hugs:

19-06-13, 21:46
I've done the same - couldn't work out why I wasn't getting my Sainsbury's points at the self service till when I was trying to scan my Boots card!

A friend of mine asked her mum to return a top for her as it didn't fit. The sales person in Next wasn't able to help as it was bought from Dorothy Perkins!

19-06-13, 21:51
johnan yes I mean the funniest thing you've ever said or done whilst being highly anxious or in panic :)

Snoodlester lol......we can laugh later but at the time you feel like a right nanna :roflmao: :winks:

19-06-13, 21:52
I put my socks in the bin and the rubbish in the wash basket :D

19-06-13, 22:01
Is this ridiculous? I can't think of the funniest one... Might be coz I've done so many I don't know which to pick. But I promise I will think about it.

19-06-13, 22:09
Oh dear Annie :roflmao: :winks:

Tessa I've got millions too, I think I do more weird stuff than right stuff :roflmao:

In fact, only last night, I caught myself taking my washing up liquid in the bedroom with me when I was going to bed!!!!!..........goodness only knows what I thought I was going to do with that??!!! Dream of being buried in 10 tonne of dirty dishes and they only way out would be to wash the damn things!! :roflmao:

19-06-13, 22:12
Auntie Moosie that made me laugh...The vision of you going to bed with a bottle of washing up liquid :roflmao:
I was looking all over for my phone and then realised I was talking to someone on it!

19-06-13, 22:31
"I was looking all over for my phone and then realised I was talking to someone on it"

:roflmao:that's brilliant!!!!!

Quite a while ago, I was preparing some fresh asparagus, OH came in the kitchen which totally distracted me, then he said "what are you doing"? when I looked, I was throwing the tips of the asparagus in the bin and putting the rest in the saucepan!!!!! :roflmao:

19-06-13, 23:05
I don't know if that's funny... but last sunday I went for a yoga class.. I've asked to join and I went in the room... the teacher said to lay down and start meditating..
I did that, then I've heard her coughing.. panick HA started and I just ran away from the class saying I had to go...
Ahem.. very relaxed meditation :P

20-06-13, 00:42
Far too often, because I'm nervous about putting my wallet away and finding my keys in my purse quickly at the checkout in the grocery store, I usually end up walking away without my bags.

I hear a lot of "Excuse me , Miss! Your Groceries!" and turn bright red :)

20-06-13, 10:45
My words and letters go back to front, it's like I've made up my own language. For example I say 'par cark' instead of 'car park' and 'Can I have two coffees in my sugar'. Definitely makes you and others giggle.

20-06-13, 11:03
My words and letters go back to front, it's like I've made up my own language. For example I say 'par cark' instead of 'car park' and 'Can I have two coffees in my sugar'. Definitely makes you and others giggle.

This made me laugh because I do the same. My husband keeps saying "what on earth are you talking about!" :D

20-06-13, 11:13
Ow my fiancé does the same and think's I'm making my own language up and calls it 'Jinglish'

20-06-13, 13:18
Ahhh this was not funny at the time and seriously shows to me how bad I was.....

I was starting to become overtaken with panic attacks and I was walking through town after parking my car on the way to university. I started to become classic disorientated horrific feelings of collaps and I just remember all the students walking past me. I froze in terror I needed to get back to my car. So I turned and saw a man that happend to be one of the lecturers and I shouted him - "excuse me, excuse me, I'm having a panic attack & my cars parked right down the bottom of this road, can you drive me to it"?
Bless him he was soo kind. I can't help think that he thought I was a complete nutter.

Oh my GOD:ohmy: I still cant believe I did this. I never ask for help & to jump into a strangers car - I was really bad.

Can't help laugh now in disbelief at myself and embarrassment:winks:

20-06-13, 21:52
This is such a great thread, has really made me giggle.

There's not a day goes by that I don't do something silly but one time that stands out was when I had a panic attack in Subway Sandwich. It was just so busy, there was a queue behind me and too many decisions to be made quickly. Way too much pressure over a snack! I just ran out and left the guy standing there with a half made sandwich.

20-06-13, 21:55
Oh these are all brilliant :roflmao:

I also have my own language for use in panic...and I often repeat myself over and over :wacko:

The little paper shop was just 5 minutes down the road from where I used to live and one morning, needing some milk, I thought I'd take my black sack of rubbish and drop it off in the bins on the way out.....................yes, you've guessed it!!.......I actually went right to the shop taking my rubbish with me.........the girl in the shop was helpful though, she said give it here and I'll put it in our bin........save you from walking it home again :roflmao:

20-06-13, 22:47
I don't know if this counts..... But I went into the pharmacy and asked for ferrous oxide. I was soooooooo insistent that's what iron tablets are called. Ferrous something anyway I thought, it can't be that hard to identify them.
I had my partner with me too, she couldnt recall what their name was. the woman in the pharmacy kept saying "i have never heard of those". She said "are they black" ..... "no" I said.... "they have a white sugar coating". so after a couple of minutes of trying to work out what I was trying to describe..... she pulls the drawer open and says "is this what you mean....... Ferrous sulphate" ..... "Oh yes, that's the ones" says me....... Doh, double doh and triple doh.
One did feel rather a twit......

Then there was the time in a very quiet restaurant a month or two ago, that having felt rather pleased with myself, managing to chat confidently with the waiter, as my partner and I left, I collided with a chair, which hit the table.... Made this massive clanging sound.... It woke everyone from their relaxed slumber. Me? Well I laughed and beat a very hasty retreat. But I did laugh as it just had to happen to me.

Oh I nearly fell over today having just got off an aeroplane. The stewardess had said "to use the handrail on the steps to avoid any trips or slips" ..... Well that was fine as I made it to the Tarmac but then scuffed my toes and nearly tripped over my bag.........

Has anyone else managed to text someone's land line notepad of their mobile? I had a new phone recently and did that twice, second time it was to my office number!!!! My colleague read out the mobile number that had been texting the office. I though "oh that sounds rather familiar" ..... Coz it was MY number, there w a time I'd have been so embarrassed, I'd have got upset. But I decided to have a laugh about it

21-06-13, 11:44
Tessar you have made me laugh while waiting for my motorway lesson :D
I just sent a text to a friend and straight away put the phone to my ear to wait for him to answer me!! :doh:

21-06-13, 13:08
I found my lottery ticket in the fridge..... !!!

21-06-13, 15:43
i'm really glad i was able to make you laugh!!!!

Your made me laugh too!!

and now to make you all laugh AGAIN...... i popped into the pharmacy to get something for a colleague earlier; all went very well as i paid for the purchase and turned to leave the shop. but then this voice said "you forgot your keys madam"

It seems this affliction we all have isnt going to go away is it!!??

I must say though I rather like sharing my daft moments with you all. Since we all seem to be having them, I am feeling much better about it. Instead of thinking "oh what an idiot", now I am thinking "I cant wait to tell everyone this silly thing I managed to do"

21-06-13, 21:39
Oh no, I have another one to add..... I was looking at my "subscribed threads" on here and was wondering why I had posts at the top which had been made on 13th June..... Errr nope, "13" that I was reading is the year.... I was reading the date the wrong way round......

---------- Post added at 21:39 ---------- Previous post was at 21:38 ----------

I found my lottery ticket in the fridge..... !!!

That made me chuckle.

I wonder what the oddest thing ever put in a fridge by accident might be? Or shouldn't I ask???!!!!

22-06-13, 08:16
I wonder what the oddest thing ever put in a fridge by accident might be? Or shouldn't I ask???!!!!

A cup of coffee! This happened a few months ago:- I made myself a coffee one morning and when I went to get the butter out of the fridge for toast I put my coffee in. The worst part is that about 5 mins later I was like 'I'm sure I made a cup of coffee..hmm...' So I just made another one. I only discovered it half an hour later when I put the butter away :)

On a more serious note my scatter-brain does grate with my boyfriend. He gets really fed up of me forgetting/losing house keys. I even managed to book the dog into the kennels for the wrong dates this summer. I can understand why it's annoying, I annoy myself!


22-06-13, 08:49
Oh isn't nice to have a little laugh for change bit of a worry at the time like when I found my purse in the fridge but it's funny now no good worrying about it that's what made us do and say these things in the first place over loading the brain , xxx

22-06-13, 14:58
Got to say that tears are running down my face reading these posts.:D
I am not the only one then:doh:---especially for using my words back to front.
I remember my Mother years ago losing her false teeth.
She blamed me and said I had hidden them for a joke. I hadn't.
We found them later in the dustbin.

22-06-13, 15:27
Talking of fridges again, my partner went to the fridge and wanted to know why there was a defrosted bag of frozen chips in the vegetable drawer - whoops!

22-06-13, 19:48
A cup of coffee! This happened a few months ago:- I made myself a coffee one morning and when I went to get the butter out of the fridge for toast I put my coffee in. The worst part is that about 5 mins later I was like 'I'm sure I made a cup of coffee..hmm...' So I just made another one. I only discovered it half an hour later when I put the butter away :)

On a more serious note my scatter-brain does grate with my boyfriend. He gets really fed up of me forgetting/losing house keys. I even managed to book the dog into the kennels for the wrong dates this summer. I can understand why it's annoying, I annoy myself!


Thats fun y abt your coffee! I lose my keys all the time..... my partner despairs of me sometimes.

22-06-13, 23:29
:roflmao:lol I'm loving reading this thread!!

I'm so glad that I'm not the only one to be doing these weird and wonderful things, it's a comfort to me :roflmao:

I once made myself a cup of tea/coffee..........yep!! that's what it's called......or you can call it Tcoffee!!!.........it's patented to me cos I invented it in my very own kitchen :roflmao:

You just put a spoonful of coffee in a cup, then forget what the heck you're doing, then add a tea bag, stir it all up, add milk and sugar to taste and bingo!!!! there's ya Tcoffee.........it does taste weird........but it will grow on you :winks: :roflmao:

25-06-13, 03:18
Oh, I can't believe I forgot about my worst one...probably because I'm still embarrassed and have tried to block it out, but I was finishing up something at work and got a call from the school saying that my son had forgotten his lunch. I had a funeral service starting in about three quarters on an hour and was alone in the office, but since the school is only a few minutes away, I decided to run it up really quick, which was all fine.

Well, when I got back in the car to head back, I got a call that the florist was waiting outside and ready to leave so I got stressed to get back and open the door for her and get the chapel together before people started to show up...well, long story short, I panicked when I saw her and jumped out of the car to go run to the door to receive the flower delivery. The problem was I slammed the car door, with the keys in it...and the motor still running...

So, basically I sat locked out of the funeral home with the family and the florist waiting for the tow truck driver to get my keys out of the car...

Yeah...still painful!

Regina x

26-06-13, 12:01
you mean I'm the only one to find the TV remote in my handbag when searching for my purse in the supermarket.....

26-06-13, 14:20
Oncehappy- No you are not the only one:)
In the last few months I have made the mistake of going into men's public toilets three times, no one was in them at the time, but met one man coming in, I just said OOPS and walked off.:doh:

28-06-13, 14:11
I always fall over or walk into something on holiday, well earlier in the week I didn't notice the drop off a kerb and this time I did notice a jutting out kerb but in my relaxed trance like holiday state, failed to negotiate it successfully, giving the corner of it a kick but my wondrous poise and balance saved the day and I just kept walking. How Do I do it? I really don't have a clue.
Sat in the car this morning, about to get out and I'm thinking "what have I dine with the keys"? Ridiculous since I had only just turned the engine off, how can you lose them in 3 seconds flat?

30-06-13, 21:59
I am always losing keys!
This morning I picked up my mobile phone and pointed it to the TV, pressed a button and wondered why the TV wouldn't come on! :doh:

06-07-13, 22:39
I haven't done anything daft for a few days... What's going on?

Anyone done anything daft lately..... ?????

08-07-13, 21:46
I did something really daft this morning and thought I must put that on Auntie Moosies thread tonight! Only trouble is...I have forgotten what I did now!! :doh:

08-07-13, 22:13
Oh what are you like!!!!! I was hoping to read what you'd done.....

11-07-13, 07:58
got2 work yestrday & about 2go in2 the office. Oh....where r my car keys? Look around the car, nope. Search my bag.... nope. Go inside. Search bag again. Think 2self "but they were only in my hand a moment ago". Go back 2 car. there they are in the ignition....

11-07-13, 08:16
It's funny now...

Many years ago I was lying sunbathing by Rydal Water in the Lake District with a friend, and suddenly became aware that I was running around in circles in a glade of trees, screaming.

I had NO idea what had happened until I calmed down.

A fighter jet was on a training flight and had suddenly appeared, roaring engines and all, no more than about thirty or forty feet (I estimate, it felt like ten!) above us. My friend said I just screamed and ran off into the trees. "I couldn't stop you!" she said.

I hadn't even registered it, the first thing I really remember is wondering what was prickling my feet.

To be fair, I think my friend was more scarred by the experience than me. She knew I was a bit jumpy, but she'd never seen anything like that before!

11-07-13, 21:08
Well I DID IT AGAIN...... What a plonker..... On a trip for work, I get a bit of time to explore the shops in a town I don't know that well. I'm really enjoying myself & go to walk into a quaint looking entrance to a shop.

True to form.... I fail to notice a raised concrete bit holding back their gravel path. Tripping forward over that, I had to take three hurried paces scuffing across the gravel. Then bash my thumb (which I injured last year) on the gate post.
Fortunately the pain didn't last long but more importantly no-one spotted my theatrical entrance to the shop!

I did chuckle to myself and couldn't wait to tell you all!


Poor you speranza, that was to rather unfortunate but those jets can be very scary! I was in a metal toilet block in Yorkshire when one went low over The Dales. There was another lady in there who took absolute fright.

11-07-13, 22:02
Tessar what are you like..pleased you were not injured too bad.
Speranza when my children were toddlers we moved to a new house. It was on the flight path of the RAF Tornado's. We were out for a walk in the park one day and one flew over our heads. My children both flopped to the floor with their hands over their ears. It was funny to watch them :)

12-07-13, 22:33
After and during a hectic anxiety attack I went for a walk.A 12 mile walk.It was not funny at the time but looking back it seems a bit funny.

13-07-13, 08:07
After and during a hectic anxiety attack I went for a walk.A 12 mile walk.It was not funny at the time but looking back it seems a bit funny.

I expect it did the trick..... Much better than hiding in a corner or something :)

13-07-13, 10:29
We have a work car park half a mile from my work dept. I walked back to the car park after work and realised just as I got there I had left my keys on my desk. So I walked back, got my keys , walked back to the car park to remember that I had actually parked my car at the dept.

13-07-13, 13:47
Oh times, that is an absolute classic!!!

13-07-13, 14:09
On my way to my daughters, I stopped the car at a co-op to buy a newspaper, I left my handbag in the car and just took what I thought was my pink leather purse. When I came to pay for the paper, I had in fact picked up my camera (which is in a pink leather case) and stupidly I opened the case before I realised and had to explain I had bought my camera not my purse - they just looked at me as if I was from another planet!!! The camera case is not even the same size or shape as my purse - doh!

13-07-13, 14:23
In may, me, my brother, dad and my brother in law all went to Wembley for the spennymoor town v Tunbridge wells FA vase final,,, all was going well, few pints, anyway on the coach back going through London I had a bad panic attack and needed the loo like instant, so we stopped off at a supermarket (you know the big ones), saw a sign saying toilet so headed for the nearest door, did my business and didn't realise until I was wiping and thought 'theses aint good toilets' only to find I had my business in the cleaners toilet in there cupboard :o, the proper ones were about 2 meters up LOL

17-07-13, 04:21
When I had my last really bad panic attack, I went out for a walk to change up my environment. I was going along feeling really weird with numb hands and unable to feel my feet so I headed back home to lie down. I caught sight of a little girl on her pink tricycle coming towards me on the sidewalk, panicked, turned around and ran in the other direction.

Terrified of a little girl with pigtails...

17-07-13, 13:32

04-09-13, 22:04
Ok folks..... I NEARLY surpassed all previous moments of embarrassment today..... Running for a bus... I realised that "something didnt feel right" ..... Not half..... Because I had something heavy in my pocket, I realised my shorts were falling down!!!!! Fortunately I grabbed them before they reached "half mast" or lower...... Now that really could have been the worst thing ever!!!!!!

05-09-13, 06:45
Ha, yes, I can laugh in hindsight but one of the many reasons I hate this condition is how stupid it makes me feel and look. I get perfect strangers commenting on my fidgeting, and talking so fast I'm out of breath. But today I was feeling panicky in the grocery store and went in without a cart, and couldn't find a basket lying around so instead of go back outside and get a cart, I offered a guy in the check out line (who had just emptied his cart) $2 if I could have his right then, right now! He was like "I need this...you can get one just outside." YEAH BUT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND, I CAN'T GO OUT THERE, I AM PANICKING. Of course I didn't say that! Poor guy hahah.

06-09-13, 20:45
Oh, talk about being fidgety..... If I am travelling (Esp. On a plane which makes me vey nervous) I fidget so much, I rustle around in my bag frequently! Rearranging things so many times. The other day, about to board a plane for work... I thought I had lost my mobile. I was rustling for the whole of England b4 I realised I had put the phone in a carrier bag which had a pair of shoes in. I had literally only just shoved it in there (somewhere "safe" to out it when i nipped to the loo.... obviously thinking that in there, it wouldn't slither from my pocket down the toilet...!) but forgot I had put it in there ..... People must wonder what Is up with me! But I just can't help it.

06-09-13, 22:48
Too many funny stories in here!

A few weeks ago I took the toaster out, put in some bread, then when I was finished I went to put the toaster back and the loaf was sitting where the toaster goes. I have no recollection of putting the loaf in there, I must've been very lost in my anxious thoughts! :roflmao:

My all time most embarrassing was my first panic attack and I didn't know what it was. I shot up out of my seat in a meeting, raced back to my office, then told the nurses I work with that I think I'm dying. I knew I was acting like a crazy person but they were very kind, bless them.

The second panic attack, I still thought I was dying. I told my husband I was going to faint so I went outside in the dead of winter in my pajamas to catch my breath, was freezing so rushed back inside, started burning up and ran back outside, repeat, repeat, repeat. He was following me like a confused puppy.

I have to say, I've become a pro at hiding my anxiety/panic now. I thought I was going to faint today and of course the lift took longer than it ever has in my life and I had to make small talk with a colleague the whole time! I should list it as a skill on my CV - I appear cool and collected under extreme stress ha ha!

08-09-13, 20:36
This is a great thread!

Once, after a hectic shopping trip, I hopped on the P&R bus thankful to be heading back home... But when we pulled up at the P&R site, I suddenly realised that I'd parked my car at the other P&R!! I had to stay on the bus as everyone piled off and had to go all the way back into town and then onto the other bus instead :blush:

24-10-13, 08:48
I've done so many silly things recently it's hard to remember them all! Yesterday I sent a text message to someone then put the phone to my ear to wait for them to answer lol. Then proceeded to pretend to talk to someone so that the people around me didn't think I was nuts :)

24-10-13, 13:13
I'm loving all the funnies on this thread :yesyes:

My latest, was turning up at my doctors for an appointment exactly a week too early!!!!! :roflmao:

24-10-13, 15:40
There is no one as silly as me- and forgetful. I am having a memory test on Saturday
I have had to laugh at this post though:D I am not on my own. makes me feel betterxx

Neurotic Nick
24-10-13, 20:19
I have a dog that often gets silly during panic attacks. She's a little hyper jack russel so i think she sees it as the ideal time to get really naughty.
Last year i had a big one on the couch and was really losing it whilst she was hunting down a fly that had sought shelter in a lampshade. Everytime i yelled at her to stop she just looked at me, waggled her tail and carried on. Eventually knocking the lamp over of course.

I often think about that when im anxious, always makes me smile :)

25-10-13, 16:16
Oh god here goes.

So a while back I went to the hospital because of a really bad attack and breathing problems. On entrance the nurse gave me a cup with a wipe and urine sample tube. She said to fill it up and use the wipe to "wipe yourself". So away I went to the bathroom and I peed right into the collection tube (pro). But then I looked at the cup and wipe and thought "wipe yourself" .. So I wiped my butt with it and put it in the cup and gave it to her. She looked at me funny andwent "I don't want the cup back!" and threw it out. .. Yup 100% special.

14-11-13, 07:42
I'm back at the airport 2day, flying 4work. hoping i dont repeat last week's stylish car park exit. In my eagerness 2get on2 the motorway quickly & beat the queue's.... i managed 2go up instead of down a level.... missing the exit ramp. Ended up on the roof level.... unable 2spot the exit & did2 circuits b4 spotting the way down. I dont want 2mess up 2day as i'll have an audience (courtesy of my friend who is meeting me off the flight & we r going 4a meal)