View Full Version : what is your worst symptom/symptoms

17-06-13, 20:00
my worst ones are
chest aches and pains that are daily
feeling breathless
constant worrying over health

17-06-13, 20:02
Mine are daily chest pain and upper back and shoulder pain. Always get the pain before the anxiety

17-06-13, 20:13
Palpitations :( xx

17-06-13, 20:14
Chest and left arm pain.

17-06-13, 20:23
Same as you eddy, chest and heart stuff mainly, balance issues and nausea x

17-06-13, 20:52
nevous feeling in stomach like something gonna happen

17-06-13, 21:06
the chest feelings are horrible i feel restricted what i can do physically all the time its so frsutrating

17-06-13, 21:18
Pain in chest, dizziness and palps. Also being very aware of my breathing, not in a nice way though.......Sometimes can last days, sometimes gone is seconds.

17-06-13, 21:46
Pain or pressure in my scalp. I get them every single day for almost an year and they sure do make my brain tumor anxiety just grow and grow...

21-06-13, 12:51
my symptoms are:
chest and back pain.
dizzy off balance.
feeling sick.
fast and slow heart.
pains all over body.
fears of illnesses.
numbness through out body.
feeling tired and drained. all the time every single day.

21-06-13, 12:54
My most concerning one just now is pain, burning, heaviness and tingling in my left arm, hand and both feet.

It's making me feel sick.

Mr m anxious
21-06-13, 13:50
Mine are:

Left shoulder and left pec ache/stinging pain
Left arm ache
Muscle twitches

21-06-13, 15:00
left arm heavy/ tingling weak and occassionally shaky:ohmy:

i find it really interestin that o many of us have these left- sided symptoms

Ccat xx

21-06-13, 15:04
Yes, the left sided thing has struck me as a bit surprising.

I still get discomfort in my left armpit, arm, neck and chest. I am thinking it hasn't been as bad for a few days, and am not sure why.

I am on 20mg Amitriptyline now, so maybe it is working a bit. I also haven't had any butterflies for a few days, so if my anxiety is less then maybe the symptoms are less.

I know that something is still not right, but any improvement must be embraced I suppose!!!!

Hope you are all having a better day today.

Mr m anxious
21-06-13, 15:13
Believe it or not my symptoms are better when I'm at work!, if I sit down for long periods my symptoms are worse. I know we shouldn't google but for all you with chest, shoulder and arm aches with pins and needles look up' upper cross syndrome' don't worry it's not a disease but it's a posture syndrome thing. I must admit it describes my symptoms to a T.

21-06-13, 15:57
Like many, the chest and left arm and jaw aches, plus some terrifying palps episodes and good old hyperventilation.

Also sweating, flushing and constant heartburn, which does not help with the heart fears. I have worse symps too, but some of them are probably due to actual nervous system dysfunction.

Why do so many of us get left-sided symptoms? The muscles on the left side of my chest and in my left arm are actually sore as hell to press a lot of the time, and the right ones aren't, even though I'm right-handed. Costochondritis, hyperventilation pains and anxiety aches are all more common on the left, but no one explains why. The right side of my chest expands the same as my left when I hyperventilate, so why don't the muscles get as sore usually? Weird. Maybe it's cos it is the weaker side for most of us?

Mr m anxious
21-06-13, 16:05
Yes I think it's because the left side is weak too,it would be interesting to see if left sided people have right sided issues.

23-06-13, 10:58
Weird feeling in throat

23-06-13, 11:31
Normally my anxiety manifests with trouble breathingI feel like i can't take a deep breath... i take shallow breaths followed by a few deep breaths and yawns, then I feel dizzy and palpy....breathing into a paper bag sorts me out temporarily. my ribs feel like they are crushing me .. I have EDS ( hypermobility syndrome ) and anxiety is a common co morbid symptom. Therefore, therapy is not useful. I have to learn to live with it and I have for 40 years. I'm just a sensitive soul :-) and any stress in my life brings on acute anxiety although I have a low level of anxiety all the time.

23-06-13, 12:07
My worse symptoms are breathlessness, lump in throat, chest pains, stabbing head pains, aching muscles, shakes, dry cough.