View Full Version : y does anxiety cause chest pain?

17-06-13, 20:02
ive had this nearly 10 months constant aches pains and tight feeling in chest. ive had 3 ecgs and bloodwork all normal. i also have upper back pain and poor posture which the doctor said doesnt help. just wondering if anyone else has chest problems.

17-06-13, 20:17
Hi eddy,

Every day I have chest pain :(

Now I have left armpit and arm pain, tingling hands, sore jaw and tight left temple.

Basically the whole left side of my upper body is messed up.

All day every day. But it has been going on for months and despite panic attacks I am still here and GP says it is all anxiety which has caused neuropathic pain.

Desperate stuff, but not life threatening apparently.

17-06-13, 20:35
Hi eddy... I suffer with anxiety, and when i feel anxious I get chest pains, it then goes down my arms. I think it is a surge of adrenalin that rushes through me when the panic feeling comes on, could it be that for you?

18-06-13, 14:22
I think it's just a response your body does when you're stressed, your lungs tense or something. The more you think about it, the worse it gets too :(

18-06-13, 18:26
With anxiety it affects your body in so many different ways, it can give you chest pain, arm pain, back pain, leg pain, feeling of a heart attack, It also affects your way of breathing like you can't get enough air and that you are making your self breathe. Also when I get real anxious my heart rate goes up and that makes my panic worse. Anxiety is a very scary thing I have now dealt with it for over a year and a half, I just want to get better but fell like that is never going to happen. Sometimes I just want to crawl in a hole and never come up. I feel that no one understands this issue and that I'm all alone until I found this forum and it is really hard to be leave that there is so many just like me. We just have to take one day at a time.

19-06-13, 12:25
The muscles around the chest become more tense when the motor neurones are stimulated. Stress and adrenal hormones do this very well.