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17-06-13, 20:21
Saw the neurologist today regarding the shadows on mri scan and i have to have a lumbar puncture. He said if had looked at the scan without seeing me he would have said i definitely had ms but after seeing and talking to me i should be physically worse than i am so he wants to do the lumbar puncture to know for sure.
Not looking forward to the lumbar puncture at all.

20-06-13, 16:57
but zippy are you feeling abit better seeing him?

20-06-13, 17:08
A lumbar puncture is a very routine procedure and quite safe in the hands of an experienced doctor. I can understand your worry, but it is quite straight-forward and you shouldn't have any real discomfort at all :)

20-06-13, 18:54
I think I told you before but this happened to my friend, he had an inconclusive MRI and irregular neuro exam, he then had a lumbar puncture which actually confirmed he DIDN'T have MS!