View Full Version : Chest/throat pain when crying?

17-06-13, 21:47
I have such heart anxiety atm; does anyone else get an icky tight ache in their chest/throat/face when crying or on the verge of it? Sometimes I worry it's angina, but my heart normally isn't going very fast or anything at the time, so that would be weird. I'm sure it's just normal muscle tightness, but it feels bleh and often seems to linger for a while afterwards. And yes, I've been doing way too much crying lately; tough week :rolleyes:

18-06-13, 02:19
yes. when you cry hard and especially if you're trying to keep it in, it feels like a muscle strain at the back of your throat and it lasts for about a minute and it's very unpleasant. i hate that feeling. it's totally normal. everyone i know gets that.

18-06-13, 02:42
I too get that sometimes, Its awful.

18-06-13, 13:23
Thanks for the replies; I'm pretty sure I must have gotten it my whole life and never really took any notice until all this health worry. It's actually sort of reassuring, because if that can happen when you cry it makes it easier to see how it can happen at other times when you're stressed.