View Full Version : At my wit's end

18-06-13, 01:46
Any advice welcome!
I am about at my wit's end over this constant anxiety and daily panic attacks.
This has been going on and getting worse for nearly a year now. I've had enough. It's always SOMETHING !

After a really bad attack last week I went to see the doctor. She prescribed temtabs in the interim until a review in two weeks. Two days after starting the temazipam I started getting stabbing pain in under my left ribs. I have had pain in my shoulder blade too. I woke up with a numb left hand on Saturday morning and my arms and legs keep getting pins and needles and feel like they are strained from exercise. Needless to say my fiancé witnessed the worst panic attack ever and spent over three hours trying to calm me down as I was convinced I was having a heart attack (never worried about my heart before but now it seems there's a new thing to fret about:weep:!!!!)

I'm freaking out and off to see the doc again this afternoon. I could just CRY. This constant worry and heightened state of being on edge ALL the time, is just exhausting. I don't know what to do to manage it. I just want to feel normal again.

18-06-13, 05:15
I can't comment about medication but I wanted to send hugs because my anxiety panic levels are sky high too and feeling at wits end like you... take good care of yourself

18-06-13, 07:04
Completely understand how exhausting it is.
I'm not on any medication, but trying to manage mine through cutting out caffeine and eating really healthily. I ''ll let you know if it works.

18-06-13, 07:08
I've been like that a few times over the years and have found that a good strategy is to look for small joys around the place. Because this level of anxiety makes you really focused on how you feel inside, it can make all the difference to go and look at what the birds in the garden are doing, or to feel a nice warm breeze, or to have a nice deep bath, etc. The important thing is to find a small enjoyable moment where you don't need to think about how you feel, and there is no pressure. I find that with practice the moments last longer and the anxiety fades a bit.
I hope you feel better soon.

18-06-13, 09:03
I have no answers but like you my anxiety and panic is at an all time high, just wanted you to know you are not alone in this daily struggle.

19-06-13, 09:21
Thanks for the replies all. Feeling so much better today. A trip to the doc and he instantly saw how bad I was. Have stopped taking the tempazepam (apparently all the things I was experiencing can be attributed to side effects to this med!!) and now im on Valium. Only a bandaid solution I know but at least it should help to get me through the episode in the interim. If this don't improve he will start exploring some antidepressants.

Thanks also for the advice. Some great tips and strategies in there that I will definitely try.

Sometimes it's just so nice to now you're not alone in this, makes you feel less crazy. I really appreciate your responses.
