View Full Version : not doing good please answer

18-06-13, 05:33
I have hardly slept again...I miss my ex... and I miss my dog... I miss waking up for a reason and I miss feeling normal... I wake drenched in sweat.. I am scared so very scared all of the time and I want it all to go away... please someone answer as I can feel myself going on that downwards journey... :weep:

18-06-13, 05:43
I'm so sorry you're feeling badly. If it's any consolation, I understand. It's been so long since I felt normal. I wake up every hour, drenched in sweat and panicked as well. I can't offer much other than understanding and hugs. Got some bad news tonight and I can feel the familiar numbness coming on, so I'm trying to ground myself and breathe. It does help a bit. I wish you well, Sweetie.

18-06-13, 05:48
Thank you Regina and I am sorry that you too are going through a bad time of it. I just want to bury my head under the duvet and stay there until it all goes away but today I can't do that and I'm so sad about this as it really is what I need to do...

Sending you lots of support and hugs and thank you so much for responding

18-06-13, 06:04
You're very welcome. I can't tell you how often I'm awake in the middle of the night just wishing for some contact. I want desperately to disappear into the covers as well, but it's not an option for me either. I hope you start to feel better :)

Regina x

18-06-13, 09:09
Hi onceagain I know exactly how you feel I am at my wits end and at an all time low, I have no magic solution but wanted you to know you are not alone, it is so cruel what the mind and brain can do to us, all we can hope is things can't get any worse and that there will be better days.
Take care