View Full Version : Pulsating in abdomen

18-06-13, 07:10
I have been able to feel and see my pulse beating in my abdomen for a while now. I can only feel it on my left side, and while lying down. It's stronger if I lay on my back or right side.

Well, today I made the mistake of checking "Dr. Google" and find only information about abdominal aortic aneurysms. I have now managed to freak myself out about said aneurysm.

I am only 15 years old, skinny (130 lbs or 59 kg), don't smoke, eat fairly healthy, have normal blood pressure, and no family history of AAA as far as I know. So I have no idea why i'm so worked up about this.

Is the reason that I feel and see this pulsating because I'm so skinny, and am only seeing my aortic artery's natural beat? I was at the hospital 2 days ago for an unrelated issue, and when using the stethoscope to check my heart beat, the doctor also felt around the area that pulsates. The pulsation wasn't visible (I wasn't laying down), and the doctor said everything was good.

But, I read that the stethoscope isn't accurate in finding AAA's, so that doesn't really alleviate my anxiety. Am I worrying over nothing, or should I go to my doctor and have "proper" tests for an AAA done?

18-06-13, 12:48
If the doctor didn't find any swelling or pain I'd say you're good. Also, the aorta is actually in the centre. I get the pulsating left abdomen ALL THE TIME and this worrjed me too, but you've got your stomach, diaphragm and other stuff there so I'm pretty sure it's just prone to twitching. Google imaging the aorta's actual location helped reassure me a lot. Eventually I started getting pulsations all over in random places, but left ab was first. I also get a weird tight balloon feeling there pretty frequently, like a muscle cramp, which it probably is.

18-06-13, 13:13
i have this too.

18-06-13, 15:27
I have this too. It is weird. I can feel it when I am in bed, when it is beating very fast and hard.

18-06-13, 15:32
I only feel it when lying down. I can also see it in time with my pulse. But, only when my pulse is low. When I am moving or get heart rate above 80, I can no longer see it.

I posted about this a few weeks ago, and was reassured it was perfectly normal.