View Full Version : Starting to feel the benefits of CBT

05-10-06, 19:53
Well my CBT is paying off - I have learned all the techniques and found they were working sometimes and not others, so my therapist 'suggested' I allow the panic, when I'm out I go with it. In actual fact, try to make it worse. I didn't believe her that it would work and only in the past 2 weeks have I found the courage to try it - and it's working! I have been going out every day, I have been visiting my Mum every day and staying for ages, over an hour most days and having a cuppa and some biccies! I have been going to the shops every evening too, with my hubby, and today I went to the pertrol station and went in and paid for my petrol and came home without a single bit of panic!
The first couple of trips out, I was getting the rapid heartbeat, the sweating - all the usual stuff and I thought 'right, get worse then - heart go faster, c'mon sweat and shake more' - and the anxiety passed immediately! It is the best technique I have found, it actually works. I sang along to the radio all the way home from the garage today!
Also, my obsessive thoughts - I have managed to change my attitude to these thoughts and I'm allowing these too, I think 'It's OK to have this thought, I'll not run from it or try to force it from my mind - but I'll delay obsessing over it, and come back to it later. When I go back to the thought, I delay it again, and the thoughts aren't bothering me as much - less so with every passing day! I read loads of times that attitude to panic was the key and I know now that it is.

Nel xxx

05-10-06, 20:01

Glad that the cbt is working for you.

x x

05-10-06, 20:06
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi.

Glad that the cbt is working for you.

x x

<div align="right">Originally posted by scooby2005 - 05 October 2006 : 20:01:14</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Thank you so much Scooby, I was convinced I would never get 'out of the bit' as it were, and I figured that what I had been trying wasn't working, so I had to try something different. I really have had to push myself some days to get out there but I see every venture out as practice, not a test - just practice. I have managed to convince myself too that even if I do get anxious - well it's OK to feel that way.

05-10-06, 20:08
Aww bless its good that its working, I have had cbt for a while and it was working for a while but then hasn't the past 5 months so I don't go anymore.

x x

Granny Primark
06-10-06, 10:06
Nel im so pleased the cbt therapy is working for you.
Ive been waiting 10 months to get it, but im now overcoming the panic by going out there and facing the fear.
Its hard but i cant waste anymore of my life stuck indoors and waiting for my hubby to take me out. I go with a friend who cant drive but i carry my mobile just in case i feel panicky and cant drive then at least i can get a taxi back home.

Take care

06-10-06, 10:30

what great news, youre so right, the only way to get over it is to face it. I am so glad you are gaining your life back, very well done, keep up the good work :D

all the best to you

Mandy xxx

positive attitude brings positive results

06-10-06, 15:22
well done nel


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

06-10-06, 15:25
well done nel

one step closer to been better eh?!


06-10-06, 16:32
Thanks guys for all your replies.
My biggest hurdle now is that I am SO impatient - I need to take it step by step but I want to be out there living my life as normal like NOW!!
I was over at my Mums house there, had a wee cuppa and a nice baguette and she reminded me that I have to walk before I can run.
Patience isn’t my strong point lol!

Nel xxx

17-10-06, 13:53
Update - For the first time today I went to my therapist instead of her coming to me! It is a 30 minute drive, and there were road works which meant the journey took almost an hour! I was shaking like a leaf when I went into the clinic, calmed down during the hour session and was totally panic free the journey home!
I’m ecstatic!

17-10-06, 15:18
Oh Nel,i am so happy for you,freedom ,it's a wonderful thing hun!You go girl!!Love mary rose.xxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore