View Full Version : got questionnaire today

18-06-13, 16:10
well last week got the letter was in tears said about getting back into work and said they going to send me out a questionnaire today i got it and i.m not fit yet scared my money be stopped then i be living off no money i dont feel like doing the questionnaire says on letter incapacity benefit and income support but am not on incapacity i.m on DLA and income support when i done new ones last year as they ran out my DLA dont run out till 2015 so why they picking on me i dont know what to do i said to my sister i.m not doing it got to be in by july 17th or my money be affected need some advice help :frown:

19-06-13, 09:36
No comments i really need advice about this even if i do questionnaire then i get letter for medical then they will probely fail me i am not fit my anxiety is very bad what if they force me on a course i cant go or down job centre i cant leave the house as its gotten that bad i dont know what to do i just hide in my room all the time only in evening i go down stairs to watch tv i rather hide away then be out i cant cope get panic when i do go out think everyone is looking at me i cant take it my speech has got a hell of alot worse cos of it please tell me everyone on nmp of what to do

19-06-13, 09:37
Hello Gem
The recent changes in benefits means that they will be reassessing everyone eventually, it s unfortunate they have picked you now.

Do you have a diagnosis for your anxiety? have you had any therapy or medication treatment? maybe go & have a chat to your doctor about how you really feel.

Unfortunately if you don't complete the form they will only chase you up for it. The medical isn't so bad, just questions about how you feel, what you can do, how your anxiety affects you day to day.
You must be totally honest with them, make sure they know how bad you anxiety is, (dont do what i did & be all positive about it...they turned me down!) I will have to go for assessment again soon, this time I will be telling them exactly how it is!

I hope this helps. x

19-06-13, 16:38
thanks for your comment annette1 doctor knows about my anxiety and i am on meds he knows its gotten bad as when i ran out of tablets i asked doctor for home visit as wasnt up to leaveing the house as for counsiling or therapy i havent tryed cbt whitch i think is something i should have but i have talked to someone and they were no help the person who i saw was snotty wasnt very nice so then i didnt go back and they said next time to come on my own as i took my sister i dont like going anywhere on my own i feel so down to do the questionnaire at the moment ive also got depression i was thinking of getting my sister to call up to explain but they probely will say it has to be done i wish it wasnt my time it is unfortunate they have picked me now its made me more down i feel so unhappy :frown:

19-06-13, 20:30
Hi Gem 7

Have you tried Welfare Rights or Citizens Advice to help you fill the form in. Try and get as much medical evidence as possible to back up your claim. Also send in copy of repeat prescription form to let them see your medication.

20-06-13, 14:45
i havent tryed welfare rights or citizens advice i dont feel up to leaving the house at the moment i.m sure if i did do the questionnaire my sister would help me do it that a good idea to send copy of repeat precription form thanks flori :)