View Full Version : Don’t Call Me Crazy on BBC3

18-06-13, 16:26
Don’t Call Me Crazy

Monday 24 June

The McGuinness Unit in Manchester is one of the largest teenage mental health inpatient units in the country – and a place of last resort for many adolescents with eating disorders or psychosis, who self-harm or are suicidal.

While some of the young patients agree to stay voluntarily undergoing treatment here, others have been detained against their wishes, sectioned under the Mental Health Act. Filmed over the course of a year and with unparalleled access, this series follows teenage girls and boys at the unit as they battle to turn their lives around.

More than half a million young people across the UK are being treated for some kind of mental illness, and over 3,500 teenagers passed through inpatient units like this last year. This series offers a chance for young patients to tell us what it’s really like to live with mental health issues - through the good times and the bad - and dispel the myths, preconceptions and taboos of mental illness.

Don’t Call Me Crazy launches It’s A Mad World - a season of films on BBC Three looking at a range of mental health issues affecting young people in Britain today, from schizophrenia, OCD, eating disorders and self-harming to dealing with family members affected by mental illness.

Among those featured in the first episode of Don’t Call Me Crazy is Beth, 17, who has recently arrived at the McGuinness Unit. Beth loves dancing and gymnastics, and often seems happy and extrovert. But appearances can be deceptive, as Beth has depression, self-harms and has an eating disorder. As her difficult relationship with food worsens, the staff are forced to take drastic action.

The film follows Beth and other teenage patients over the weeks and months of inpatient treatment. But their recovery is not just about therapy and medication. It’s also about the relationships the teenagers forge with one another during their time on the ward at a time when a problem shared can be a problem halved.

18-06-13, 21:21
A new season coming up on BBC3,looks very good.


18-06-13, 21:35
Fishman I have merged our threads together as they are about the same thing......Good to see what they are showing for the rest of the season of programming about mental health....thank you.

18-06-13, 21:58
Ah ok venus,thanks for that :)

25-06-13, 11:53
I watched Don't Call Me Crazy.

It made me emotional, watching it and made me think that some of the Patients, probably would've recovered better and quicker, being with friends or family who understand, rather than feeling trapped in that Unit, even though they still receive help and support.

25-06-13, 12:08
I watched it too and thought it was good for awareness - I did cry a little, just a shame that mental health issues exist at all.

25-06-13, 13:13
I saw it too.It was pretty emotional I agree,especially how I'm feeling right now.Anything that breaks down the stigma though can only be positive.

25-06-13, 16:11
I watched the programme too and I didn't feel emotional whilst watching it. I was eighteen when I was first admitted to a psychiatric hospital. I have seen much self harming at first hand and eating disorder girls (mainly) although there was one boy.I did not find it triggering. I think that they were all getting the support and help that they needed in an in patient setting . I do not think that sort of intensive treatment is available whilst still living at home.This type of unit must be few and far between as there were only fifteen beds and a long waiting list no doubt. I wonder how these young people are coping after having left the unit and what back up is available to them? I hope that they are aware that it is preferable to be on a unit like this if you have to be,than an adult psychiatric ward.EJ

25-06-13, 16:23
Thanks Venus for that.

Sounds interesting. Hopefully I can catch up with it on i player.

Sad that there are so many young kids affected by mental illness.

25-06-13, 17:55
Really enjoyed this programme, it was very enlightening

25-06-13, 19:06
hi, I watched it and while I think it's good for awareness for people to see the many different aspects of mental health I'm not sure I'll watch it again. Watching it I just felt so heavy hearted :(
I did think it's good though that people can see that sometimes people can look very happy and extrovert but inside be far from 'ok'

25-06-13, 20:16
I watched it, I felt for them being so young and having this awful illness. I to thought about how they would be when they went into the outside world,because although they didn't want to be in there they had the reassurance they were safe.

I will watch it again next week.

25-06-13, 23:01
I watched it, I felt for them being so young and having this awful illness. I to thought about how they would be when they went into the outside world,because although they didn't want to be in there they had the reassurance they were safe.

I will watch it again next week.

What awful illness is that? I thought that several case histories were highlighted in that series? I can relate to the young people in the series as I was an in patient in a psychiatric unit at the age. EJ

25-06-13, 23:01
I really, really wanted to watch it, but I just can't right now, my emotions wont let me watch or read anything remotely painful or sad :weep: I miss so much stuff because of this, but I just can't :weep:

25-06-13, 23:03
Dear Moosie we can watch it for you. Xxx

26-06-13, 00:23
Dear Moosie we can watch it for you. Xxx

Thank you EJ :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

26-06-13, 06:07

you always said you are here for me , well I am here for you, you know that.:hugs::hugs:

Granny Primark
26-06-13, 06:45
I watched about 25mins of it but it was so upsetting.
It was heartbreaking to see these youngsters being so unhappy.
I do wonder what caused these youngsters to be like this.
Is it bullying? lack of confidence, probs they have seen in their own home? Feeling unwanted and unloved?
I know of someone that self harmed badly. It was due to his mum walking out the family home when he was about 9 and never seeing her for years.
My hubbys neice was found hanging from a tree about 4 years ago.

26-06-13, 22:41
Thank you Ricardo, and I know you are as you know that I am too :hugs: :hugs:

That's what I mean Granny, it's all just too tragic :weep: normally I can get a grip on things, but when I'm feeling sad and raw, I just can't handle it, actually feeling sad is much more painful and worse than feeling depressed, because when we're depressed a lot of our emotions are blunted, but when we feel sad, we really feel it.

I hope they show the programme again sometime when I'm more up to it.

26-06-13, 22:53
Moosie do you have sky plus player? You could tape it next Mon and watch when your up to it.

26-06-13, 23:06
I don't have sky, but I do have virgin clio, so I shall record it for a much later date :) Thank you :)