View Full Version : what you like in a crisis, or something different

18-06-13, 18:49
Hi all,

Well today my son yet again had another accident on his bike, 2nd in about 10week.

I get my text ring me asap, so knew something was wrong.
He'd swirved to miss a cat and hit a lamp post!! And come and get him
Cut long story short,we at home then had argument why he could ride the bike
He's my son 23 not to my partner, and he thinks my son should do things for himself like he had to!!

So son came home himself(which I was worried about) as a lady had taken him in her house and sat him down and a drink of water. In the meantime were still arguing.
Son pulled his back ,hurt is finger and big stretch on arm. He was crying when he came in.

After arguing. My partner as now agreed to take him to the physio.

Thing is in the middle of it all I got a massive headache my throat went really dry and I felt like I was looking it! Really stressed.

Does anybody get like this when things out of the routine happen,I seem to get really stressed now.My teeth now are aching lol.how do I get out of reacting this way??