View Full Version : Well this anxiety ever be over???

18-06-13, 19:16
Hello I'm Back,

When I feel that I'm getting better,:D I fall right back into a hole and the anxiety is back. I have been dealing with it off & on for a few years now and wish I could just get back to the way it used to be when I enjoyed life.
Now I worry about going to the grocery store, the doctors, out with my family, camping etc. I worried that I'm going to have an panic attack and this make me all the more anxious.:weep:
When I go to my doctors appointments my anxiety goes thru the roof and I feel like i'm going to die and my blood pressure goes up so high it scares the crap out of me. Does anyone else have that problem with their blood pressure??
I feel like I'm going out of my mind and that soon I will be in a hospital where my family will have to come and visit me that I will not get better and that puts me in more panic. I need re assurance that everything will be okay. That it is just thoughts and not me going crazy. Can some of you give me some thoughts on how you deal with this terrible mental illness and give me some reassurance Please..........................

18-06-13, 21:43
Hi Blondie,
Anxiety is very tricky isn't it.
I get defeated by it regularly... Today has been a really bad day for me for no real reason.
I can only tell you what I know.
1. Anxiety is not a mental illness... That is your brain and your body are all working fine, so no need for any hospitals.
2. It is a disorder with the way you think, usually in response to the physical feeling of the emotion of anxiety, which is fear.
Panic attacks are simply your brain in appropriately signalling that there is danger when there is no danger. Your body reacts with adrenaline which gives you ALL of your symptoms. The problem is that both you and I react to this horrible feeling with fear. We want to run away (wrong) or desperately try and stop the feelings.
You have no control over the physical symptoms, they will subside on their own, but if you add fear then you prolong the effect.
The whole thing is a bluff and cannot hurt you in any way. You will not go mad, have a heart attack or anything. You need to go through the panic to find a little peace, so don't avoid the attacks, prove to yourself that they are harmless, even if they are very uncomfortable.
Try and breath, stay as calm as possible and wait without adding fear.

Having said all of that, I find this very difficult .... And fail often.
I do not suffer so much from panics but I have anxiety which can last most of the day...and like today, it really got me down and I started to fear it... Then it turns into a panic.

Keep practicing.... I have had this several times in my life and this will work, but you have to have patience. You cannot get better overnight.... Wouldn't that be great.
But most people recover fully through acceptance of the symptoms without being afraid of them.

All the best.... Phil.

18-06-13, 21:44
Hi it's all anxiety related....my blood pressure would rocket when I went to docs...at one time they did tell me it's wasn't a normal reading and this scared the hell out of me. .they told me to monitor it at home...I then would test my bp all the time just to make sure I was ok....as I am always worrying about my heart....my panic attacks would give me palps so I was always scared I was having a heart attack.....
My bp is in normal range etc but I could stop worrying...
Believe me anxiety is a horrid thing to go thru and so is depression....but I do look back and think well I'm still here it
Hope this helps xx

18-06-13, 22:03
Thank you both for your posts, this does help a little. I'm glad to hear that anxiety is not an mental illness, I just keep thinking that I'm going mad and soon this is going to take over and I will be in a hospital for it. Doctor did prescribe lexopro to me and that does help a little, & I do have some good days and some bad days. Thoughts & Prayers to you