View Full Version : Homeless and Meds

18-06-13, 20:32
This may sound a stupid question but if you are homeless ie: on the streets can you still get your medication as my meds are expensive and was just wondering as something has happened that may lead to me having no fixed address.


18-06-13, 21:04
Well assuming that you will still have your GP, you will continue to receive your prescriptions...if you are talking about getting the money to pay for them, you would need to be on some sort of benefit to get them free, you could always use the address of a friend or family member to do this...

I hope that things are not as bad as you are imagining. And you cannot just not have your meds due to unforseen personal circumstances. I am sure there are ways and means.

I hope things work out in a positive way for you. Kitti :)

18-06-13, 21:05
As far as I know, medicines are free of charge on prescription in the uk?

18-06-13, 21:07
As far as I know, medicines are free of charge on prescription in the uk?

You have to pay for the prescription

18-06-13, 21:14
They are only free in Scotland and Wales. In England we have to pay for them.

18-06-13, 21:15
Thanks for the advice Kitti

Things seem to go well and then something has to happen.. I don't really care much about not having somewhere to live but may meds are a must to keep me going.

Hey I will just get a coin a toss it Heads I win Tails I lose

I will know more later in the week but it does not look good.

18-06-13, 21:15
Your best bet is to either phone the Benefits Agency as they'll have all the information that you'll need for both applying for benefits and for what further help you can get.

Or ring or pop into your doctors surgery where I'm sure they'll be able to advice and guide you too.

I do hope that things don't get to the point where you are completely homeless and on the streets though.

If that happens, go straight to your local council and apply for housing, they should be able to get you in somewhere, even if it's a hostel or something just for now.

Best wishes :)

18-06-13, 21:22
Thank your for that advice AuntieMoosie

That is very sound advice.. I have lived rough before when I was younger and it was an adventure But I think at 41 and with Anxiety it maybe a different issue.

I will look into things

18-06-13, 21:28
You're more than welcome :)

Please do all that you can though to not let yourself be on the streets, things were probably really different when you were younger but I don't feel the streets are a good place to be homeless on nowadays for safely reasons.

Your local council has a duty to get you housing of some sort, it will depend on what they have available at the time, and please, when you apply for housing, be sure to tell them of your illnesses and problems, because you are more vulnerable than a healthy person is.

Take care and please keep safe :)

18-06-13, 22:24
Sorry i was not sure if they were free in England as I am in Scotland, where they are free. They should be free in England too surely?

20-06-13, 15:37
They should be, but they're not. That's why I'll be kind of glad when I move back to Scotland - I like the benefits that a devolved government can bring!