View Full Version : Feel so down right now lost 💔

18-06-13, 22:27
I feel In a million moods sad lost bewilderd confused its all just horrible grief is all new to me losing my dad is hard to many questions left unanswered health anxiety is shit ontop of it add my relationship into it with my partner and bang = where I am at the minute xx

18-06-13, 22:46
I'm sorry you're feeling that way. Hold on, because where you are at the moment... it will pass and hopefully become easier.

18-06-13, 23:35
I don't feel it will ��I feel like everything is crashing down around me and I'm in the middle of it losing it all �� x

19-06-13, 00:46
I know things are difficult right now and it seems hopeless right now, but don't give up. It will get better! And we're here to listen and support you.