View Full Version : Hi (Introduction)

19-06-13, 04:14
Hello, my name is Caleb. I've been told I'm a funny guy, never really believed it but it's very easy for me to make people laugh. I want to be a screen writer, I've always been fascinated with psychological thrillers and...it's embarassing, but romances. Like the Notebook, I'm not even gonna lie I shed a few man tears. Until recently I wanted to be married and have a daughter. Wierd dreams for a kid of 16, but I've always been family orientated. My problem is I have terrible intrusive thoughts about pedophelia and sometimes murdering people and I hope to get at least a small amount of help from this forum.
Have a good one :)

19-06-13, 11:43

19-06-13, 17:31
Hello Caleb and welcome to the site. I'm sure you'll find lots of help and support here.

19-06-13, 20:20
Hi Caleb and :welcome:

I hope you find this site helpful.