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19-06-13, 08:41
Hi I suffer from anxiety and have done for 2 year's I am on propranolol 10mg daily and was lucky enough to have very little side effects but recently I have started feeling like I have a cold all the time my eyes are dry am dizzy amd generally cant be bothered doing anything this feeling is making me panic and my anxiety worse the docs said I have no infection. Has anyone else felt this please help it driving me mad

20-06-13, 22:50
Hey, I've had cold-like symptoms before due to anxiety. They lasted for about one month. I always felt a little feverish (without having a fever) and weak. I think you have to try to not fight the symptoms and just try to take deep breaths and let go. That's what I do when I get kind of dizzy and tired. But you have to do things in order for your energy to come back. Try to change your routine a little to break the cycle. Hope you'll feel better soon. :)